Enrollment in DRAM 3310, DRAM 3420, and DRAM 3740 requires a successful audition or interview. These auditions and interviews are held in an effort to create an immersive class environment with dedicated and dynamic students.
Audition Information
To register for auditions/interviews, you MUST have successfully completed or be currently enrolled in the prerequisite courses. Prerequisites can be found by looking up the class via the Student Enrolment and Registrar Services website, and choosing ‘Catalogue Entry’.
Auditions/interviews will be adjudicated by panels of the three instructors of the courses, according to the following criteria:
- Demonstration of artistic techniques appropriate for a student completing 2000-level performance courses
- Exhibition of the preparation and self-discipline required for 3000-level performance courses
Audition Application
Auditions will be taking place on April 12 (Devised II in-person), April 13 (Acting II in-person), and April 14 (Directing II online via Zoom). Please email a copy of a Theatre Resume to gail.hanrahan@uleth.ca that includes the following information:
Performance roles in theatre productions / Non-performance roles in theatre productions / Experience with music, dance or film / Participation in theatre workshops. As of March 17, 2023, use this link to sign up for interview/audition times.
Please be in contact with Faculty of Fine Arts Advising to develop contingencies if one or more auditions is unsuccessful and as always, you should reach out to FFA Advising to ensure that you are on track to complete all program requirements.
Audition Date
For 2023, Auditions will be taking place on April 12 (Devised II in-person), April 13 (Acting II in-person), and April 14 (Directing II online via Zoom).
Audition Components
Please see the below and also the Audition Performance Poster
Perform 2 contrasting monologues, with a MAXIMUM combined length of 5 minutes.
Monologues may contrast in many ways:
Your monologues must come from published plays. |
Present a directorial vision for your production of David Yee’s Acquiesce in real time on zoom. Click on the link or find the play in the summons library catalogue online. Your concept can be presented through video, images, PowerPoint, in an oral presentation in real time on zoom, or any combination of the above. You must explain and justify your decisions. Please read the play carefully more than once paying close attention to the themes proposed by the playwright.
Consider any of the following elements of the play:
Create and perform an original performance (developed entirely by you), 3-5 minutes in length.
Examples include:
Also be prepared to discuss how you could envision your 3–5-minute presentation develop into a one-person or ensemble based devised play. What would be the skeleton of the narrative? What aesthetics/design elements would you use? What challenges might present themselves and how would you tackle them? For any questions please contact: Nicola Elson at nicola.elson@uleth.ca |
Each audition will include a short interview, where faculty members can learn more about who you are as a person and a performer.
Audition Procedure
- The Audition Panel is composed of the instructors for the 3 courses, and faculty members as needed for support.
- The Audition Panel set a date for the Fall auditions and advertises appropriately.
- The Audition Panel reviews applicants and categorizes their auditions as successful or unsuccessful.
- The successful and unsuccessful candidates are notified by the Admin Support on behalf of the instructor.
- Unsuccessful candidates can meet in person with the instructor who provides a verbal summary of the Audition Panel’s comments.