Accessing Equipment and Materials

Audio Equipment and/or Effects

A plan is in development to create an online special effects database of audio cues and effects accessible by drama students. Further questions can be directed to Kelly Roberts (403-329-2368, or


Lighting Equipment

Lighting needs for drama course projects/performances can be requested through James McDowell (403-317-2871 or Each performance space comes with a complement of dimmers and lighting instruments. A spec sheet for each of the spaces is available in the Production Office (W524).


Costume Cages (W531)

Costumes cages are open to all drama faculty and students for on-campus drama class performances or projects. There is no access for Drama 1000 or Fine Arts 3100 students. Instructors are responsible for providing their students with access to the cages and monitoring costume returns. Costume shop staff WILL NOT open the cages for students to pull or return costumes. The cages are accessible with a CD key.

Return Costumes to the racks outside the cages where they will be laundered and restocked by the costume shop staff. Do not leave costumes hanging outside W530. If a costume needs repair or replacement, please report the item to Teresa Heyburn (



Properties may be borrowed for any drama course project/performance, with the exception of Drama 1000. Not all items are available due to high replacement costs or fragility. Students needing properties should check with Arlene Curran well in advance of the performance dates (


Set Pieces

Basic rehearsal furniture pieces are located in the David Spinks Theatre (W425), Studio Theatre (W420) and classroom W401. These pieces are for use in drama course projects. No rehearsal furniture may be removed from its designated room.