The Drama Department follows the legislated Occupational Health and Safety Codes of Alberta and
strongly encourages students to read and refer to Theatre Alberta’s Safe Stages document available
online at Hardcopies are available in the library, all
shops, and the production office.
All staff, faculty, and guest artists must follow the codes and practices laid out by Alberta OH&S codes,
Alberta Safe Stages, Drama Department safety policies, and the University of Lethbridge safety policies
and are expected adhere to and teach industry best practices with regard to health and safety at all
All students will receive a safety orientation prior to working in any production area. Orientation should
include best practices, access to first aid and personal protective equipment locations, and site-specific
The Department requires all persons to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when
working in the relevant shops and performance spaces. PPE may include steel toe boots/shoes, eye
protection, hearing protection, head protection, and other PPE appropriate for the task at hand. The
Department of Drama has a limited stock of PPE that students are welcome to utilize. In some cases,
students may be required to provide their own PPE. All technical design major students are required to
acquire their own steel toe boots/shoes.
In an effort to promote good hygiene and avoid contagions, all performers are encouraged to provide
their own stage makeup.
All performance majors are required to acquire their own makeup kit.
Contact the Costume Shop Staff regarding makeup requirements and ordering information.
All students must have a current University of Lethbridge Workplace Hazard Materials Information
Systems (WHMIS) certificate in order to work in any shop or performance space. Students must provide
a copy of their certification to the faculty or staff technical area supervisor prior to beginning work.
At the first rehearsal, the stage manager will inform the entire production team and cast of the all
emergency protocol and show-specific hazard assessments. Emergency protocols may include:
• Emergency Evacuation Plan
• Medical Emergency Response
• On-stage Safety
• Back Stage Etiquette
• Equipment Malfunction
• Power Outage Response
• Fire Alarm Response
• Injury Protocol
Prior to the first rehearsal in the performance space after load-in, the full cast and crew of each
production will be given an orientation tour of the set and backstage areas. The technical director or
delegated member of the technical staff will provide the tour and identify safety hazards and safe
practices as it pertains to that particular production. Any changes to the Theatre’s infrastructure during
the tech period may require additional orientation. This safety briefing will be included on the
production schedule and must take place prior to the first rehearsal in the performance space after
Occupational Health and Safety legislation requires all cast and crew to sign-off that they have both
received and clearly understand all emergency procedures following their respective training sessions.
Each technical area head is ultimately responsible for all safety information and training within their
technical areas.
In the best interest of the emotional, physical, and academic well-being of all persons involved, students
may only take on one creative mainstage production role/position per term unless part of the
requirement for a course. Students in a creative position on any mainstage production may not also
engage in a technical position on the same production.
Please see the University of Lethbridge Harassment and Discrimination Policy available online at “The purpose of this
Policy is to support an environment in which members of the University community can work and learn
in a collegial climate of respect, free from harassment and discrimination.”