Cast Lists

2024-2025 Mainstage and TheatreXtra cast lists can be found here once the audition and casting process concludes

Drama Mainstage 2024-2025 Alumni Season


alterNatives by Drew Hayden Taylor

Cast List

Angel Wallace - Nikko Hunt

Colleen Birk - Alexis Duduman

Dale Cartland - Jacob Hill

Michelle Spencer - Madeline Hvingleby

Bobby Rabbit - Jesse Thibert

Yvonne Stone - Naima Young Pine

Swing - Morgan Hill

In Tongues by James Odin Wade (BFA – Multidisciplinary, ’11)

Cast List

Siobhan -Emily Sharp

Cara - Geneva Murphy

Darcy - Celine Man

Michael - Reign Dyer

Lee - George Crawford

Paradise Lost by Erin Shields

Cast List

Satan -  Alexandra Creaser 
Adam -  Parker Hickerty 
Eve -  Ruby Gaudet 
God the Father -  Griffin Evans
God the Son -  Caiden Cline
Sin/Zephon -  Maddie McKee
Beelzebub/Gabriel -  Geneva Murphy
Mammon/Uriel -  Jacey Demarni
Astoreth/Urena - Aliyah Deane
Moloch/Michael - Matthew Denittis 
Belial/Raphael - Brice Popielarz
Death/Angel Ensemble -  KC Chase
Ithuriel - Ren Man

AI, Avatars & Aliens: A Speculative Cabaret

Cast List

To be announced.


TheatreXtra 2024-2025

Marble Gardens

Cast List


Playwright: Elias Van Den Beggelar 

Director: Spencer Johnson 

Stage Manager: Andreas Marinakos 

Scenic Designer: Jocelyn Smith 

Lighting Designer: Brooke Jenkins 

Sound Designer: Kacie Hilliard 

Costume Designer: Malia Mix


Venus De milo: Noah Hirlehey

Little Dancer: Cadynce Flett 

Nike: Zachery Elser

Juliet: Emily Carstairs 

David: Palmer Konschuk 

Veiled Virgin: Ruby Gaudet 

TheatreXtra – Winter Production

Cast List

To be announced.