See Section 2 RFP Project Scope Specific Planning Objectives for additional information.
1.2 Overall Objectives
Reaffirm and Enhance Existing Core Campus Expansion Plan (2001)
The overall objective of this planning project is to re-affirm and enhance the framework of the existing Core Campus Expansion Plan (2001) and reassess the configuration, program and quality of our campus precincts. In doing so, this project seeks to identify, emphasize and strengthen the attributes that make our campus unique from other post-secondary institutions and which communicate a consistent unifying vocabulary in our built environments and development landscapes. As a mechanism to this end, the project will include a continued elaboration on fundamental campus design guidelines that also respond appropriately to our prairie landscape and coulee setting.
Responding to Project Requirements
The selected Prime Consultant and Consultant Team shall respond to the project requirements of the University and provide implementation strategies or solutions which establish a comprehensive master plan, elaborate on campus design standards, and recommend a process by which the master plan and design guidelines can be enforced.
Future Enrolments
In the context of an analysis of future enrolment, the project objectives will continue to identify buildings and ‘public realm’ spaces that will be required to accommodate anticipated growth. The updated master plan will continue to examine the location and massing of new buildings, their relationships to each other and to existing campus facilities. The updated plan will emphasize pedestrian access and cross campus circulation networks and confirm minimum parking needs, vehicular routes and utility or infrastructure requirements associated with anticipated new development plans.
Implementation will require a familiarization with the campus and a review of previous studies, followed by a review of the work plan with the University Campus Plan Steering Committee to ensure that the work plan meets the specific needs, issues and concerns of those involved.
Consideration should be given to whether modifications to the academic, research, residential and athletic facilities precincts identified in the CoreCampus Expansion Plan remain appropriate to optimize the university’s academic, administrative, athletic and cultural mandates on our main campus.