Master Plan Directions Report (ECS)
Master Plan Directions Report
The supporting sub consultant team Educational Consulting Services (ECS), have finalized a report entitled, "Master Plan Directions: A Time of Transition, A Time of Possibilities." This report provides a foundation for our planning consultants to begin developing conceptual plans in a process leading to a final University Campus Master Plan.

Resource information contained in the summary report includes:
- Interview list of one-on-one meetings with senior administrators and campus leadership
- Consultation of University stakeholders using the World Cafe process
- Consultation of the student population and campus community using a Whiteboard Forum approach
- President Mike Mahon's 'Fiat Lux Address' delivered on September 28, 2011.
- University Documents. See Project Initiation Supplementary Documents.
- Campus Tours
- Analysis of the utilization of instructional spaces
- Enrolment Projections
- Classroom Utilization Analysis
- Analysis of the campus space inventory and assessment of space requirements projected over the next 25 years
View the entire document here: UCMP_Master Plan Directions - ECS_Final_ Feb7 2012.pdf
Master Plan Directions & Objectives
The development of the University of Lethbridge Campus Master Plan will be guided by
three overarching directions, which are further elaborated into specific planning objectives within each principle directive. The report organizes these key directions into the following structure:
Direction | Details | Objectives |
Direction A | The Master Plan will guide the University in building critical mass to fulfill its mandate as a Comprehensive and Academic Research Institution. |
Direction B | The Master Plan will create a strong campus identity that will complement a vibrant student life. |
Direction C | The Master Plan will set the stage for the University to be recognized as a national leader for the quality of built form, openness to surrounding communities, and best practices in the management and stewardship of assets. |