Committee Chair:
Digvir Jayas, President & Vice-Chancellor, ex officio
Ex Officio Members:
Michelle Helstein, Provost & Vice-President (Academic), ex officio
Nancy Walker, Vice-President (Finance & Administration), ex officio
Kathy Greenwood, Vice-President (External Relations), ex officio
Dena McMartin, Vice-President (Research), ex officio
Leroy Little Bear, Vice-Provost, Iniskim Indigenous Relations ex-officio
Heather Takahashi, Interim Associate Vice-President, Human Resources, ex officio
Seven (7) Academic Staff Members, nominated by the GFC Nominations Committee (Selected to ensure broadest possible diversity)
Artur Luczak, Arts & Science, June 30, 2025
Sheila McManus, Arts & Science, June 30, 2025
Brad Olson, Business, June 30, 2025
Tracy Oosterbroek, Health Sciences, June 30, 2025
Richard Delisle, Liberal Education, June 30, 2026
Vacant, Graduate Studies, June 30, 2026
Jenna Lowe, Education, June 30, 2026
One (1) representative (or Alternate), selected from each of the following:
Alumni Association, Carole Goodreau (Vacant), June 30, 2026
Board of Governors, Sherry Davis, June 30, 2025
Graduate Students’ Association, Jaxon Reiter (Jade Oldfield), April 30, 2025
Students’ Union, Maleeka Thomas (Annie Ebenmelu), April 30, 2025
Two (2) non-Academic Staff members, elected from among the Administrative Professional Officers or Exempt Support Staff or Alberta Union of Provincial Employees or a Post-Doctoral Fellow:
Nicole Bach, June 30, 2025
Kali McKay, June 30, 2025
Two (2) Members of Deans’ Council selected by Deans’ Council:
David Hinger, June 30, 2025
Jackie Rice, June 30, 2026
Resource Persons (Non-Voting):
Mike Whipple, Executive Director, President and Provost Offices
Richard Westlund, Executive Director, Communications, Marketing and Government Relations
Cathy Kanashiro, Associate Vice-President (Finance)
Kathleen Massey, Vice-Provost, Students
Darren Schell, Associate Vice-President (Information Technology Services)
Kerry Godfrey, Dean, Dhillon School of Business & Vice-Provost, Calgary Campus
Martha Mathurin-Moe, Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Mandy Moser, Institutional Analysis
Nicole Andres, Executive Analyst
Lisa Neufeld, Executive Assistant to the President
Quorum = 12 Voting Members (Summer Quorum = 11 Voting Members)