Members of the GFC Strategic Planning Committee are governed by the following powers and duties:
- Produce a Strategic Plan with final approval being required from the Board of Governors, that both commits and guides the University.
- Facilitate, communicate and provide leadership to the high-level, university-wide strategic planning process.
- Guide a full consultation process that will engage and facilitate participation by all stakeholder groups in the strategic planning process.
- Analyze, interpret, and synthesize available information and opinion in order to provide recommendations on updating the strategic plan.
- Make available a website which allows interested individuals to monitor the progress of the University’s Strategic Plan and provide feedback and comments in regards to its progress and issue discussions.
- Report annually to Council, the Board of Governors and the University community the progress the University is making in achieving its strategic priorities.
- Annually review powers and duties and report their findings to the Executive Committee.
For more information, please see the Office of the President, Strategic Plan and Initiatives