The members of the Admission Standards Committee shall be governed by the following terms and powers as indicated with the GFC Bylaws.
b. Terms of Reference
The Committee is responsible for approving, making recommendations and/or for providing advice to GFC, its Executive Committee, the GFC Curriculum Coordinating Committee, and/or faculty/school councils on policies and procedures regarding the admission of applicants to University programs and the awarding of transfer credit.
To support its admissions and transfer functions, the Committee shall:
i. Be governed by the following operating principles, according to which both admissions of persons to the University as students and transfer credit evaluation are managed:
- Academic excellence;
- Potential for success in pursuit of academic excellence;
- Identification and consideration of applicants or groups of applicants to facilitate access; and
- Fairness, consistency and appropriateness of admission policies and transfer credit evaluation;
ii. Monitor changes in provincial, national, and international education systems that would impact on the qualifications of an applicant to the University and ensure admission requirements are updated accordingly; and
iii. Examine admission-related trends and issues at the provincial, national, and international levels, and provide information to stakeholders on best practices.
C. Powers and Duties
i. Recommend to Council new program admission requirements.
ii. Recommend to Council new or changes to institutional admission requirements.
iii. Recommend to Council admission policy and transfer assessment and credit policy.
iv. Make recommendations and/or provide advice to Faculty/School Councils on program admission requirements.
v. Review, make recommendations and approve changes to admission requirements to programs as recommended to the Committee by Faculty/School Councils.
ASC members can view current agendas, archived agendas and minutes, forms and more at the Admission Standards Committee site: