Program Advisory Committee

The $1.65 million six year NSERC CREATE Biological Information Processing (BIP) program ended March 31, 2018, and is no longer funding trainees.

Terms of Reference

  • Ensure that the principles and priorities of the CREATE BIP program are maintained
  • Guide the strategic direction of the CREATE training initiative, in an advisory capacity
  • Make recommendations about program improvements and directions
  • Challenge the group of researchers to think innovatively as they establish their group of students and postdoctoral fellows who will participate in the training initiative
  • Provide input and guidance in the conduct of program reviews, any related major changes in the program, and in setting performance indicators and program evaluation
  • Perform program evaluations
  • Provide input into the progress and mid-term reports, and approve these reports prior to their submission to NSERC


  • The Program Leader, as a non-voting member: Robert Sutherland
  • Two private industry members: Casey Stengel (Neuralynx) & John Guzowski (UCI)
  • One policy maker: Grant McIntyre
  • One representative from the School of Graduate Studies: Robert Wood
  • Two CREATE trainees: Rajat Thapa (PhD student) & Justin Lee (PhD student)
  • One international collaborator: Carl Turner (EGI)
  • One mentor: Masami Tatsuno

The Chair should be chosen from among the membership and may not be the applicant, a co-applicant or a direct collaborator.

Membership Terms

Members will be appointed to two-year terms, which are renewable.


The Program Advisory Committee will hold a minimum of two teleconference or WebEx meetings per year, and will meet annually with the Executive Committee. All CCBN co-applicants and collaborators will be invited to attend this annual meeting.

The Program Advisory Committee will be distinct from any scientific or management committee that may be put into place to oversee the research activities that are being conducted as part of the CREATE initiative.