Career Bridge
Centre for Work-Integrated Learning and Career Development
Applied Studies Walk-In Hours
Take advantage of this rare program! Visit us January 6–13 (weekdays only) from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for walk-in hours, or book an appointment on MyExperience to learn about the Applied Studies program and how you can get engaged!
Book Appointment | AH151
Your education isn’t just about what you learn in the classroom — it’s also about bridging the experiences you have outside of it. Career Bridge is here to help you succeed during your time at the University of Lethbridge and beyond. We run workshops, offer in-person support and provide many online resources to help you navigate your career.
Career Bridge consists of a powerhouse lineup featuring Co-op, Applied Studies, Career Services and an Experiential Transcript Advisor. Its mandate is to offer exceptional work-integrated learning, experiential learning and career services so that every participating student can benefit from an outstanding academic and professional development experience.
We serve all uLethbridge students and alumni — you can continue to access our Career Services after you graduate!
Maximize your degree
Partner with us
Connect with uLethbridge talent, establish your presence on campus, and promote your employer brand
Continue Learning
Access career coaching, resume reviews and other workshop and events to grow your professional skills.
Portal, Programs and Services

MyExperience Portal
Check out this MyExperience tip sheet for an introduction to the portal.

Real work experience. Discover the career you're passionate about.

Career Services
Explore. Set goals.
Take action.

Applied Studies
Academic credit for employment or volunteer experiences.
Take advantage of this rare program! Visit us January 6–13 (weekdays only) from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
for walk-in hours, or book an appointment on MyExperience to learn about the Applied Studies program and how you can get engaged!

Niitsitapi Circle of Excellence in Work-Integrated Learning
Enhancing indigenous employment pathways.