Bermudez Contreras, E., Sutherland, R.J., Mohajerani, M., Whishaw, I.Q. (2022). Challenges of a small world analysis for the continuous monitoring of behavior in mice. Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 136, 104621.
Lee, J. Quinn, Rebecca McHugh, Erik Morgan, Robert J Sutherland, Robert J McDonald (2022). Behaviour-driven Arc expression is greater in dorsal than ventral CA1 regardless of task or sex differences. Behavioural Brain Research, 423, 113790 (published online Feb 6, 2022).
Shepherd, EH, Fournier, NM, Sutherland, RJ, and Hugo Lehmann, H (2021). Distributed learning episodes create a context fear memory outside the hippocampus that depends upon perirhinal and anterior cingulate cortices. Learning and Memory, 28, 405-413.
Gidyk, D., McDonald, R.J., Sutherland, R.J. (2021). Intact behavioural expression of contextual fear, context discrimination, and object discrimination memories acquired in the absence of the hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(11), 2437-2446.
Brendan McAllister, Sean Lacoursiere, Robert Sutherland, Majid Mohajerani (2020). Intracerebral seeding of amyloid-β and tau pathology in mice: factors underlying prion-like spreading and comparisons with α-synuclein. Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 112, 1 - 27,
Faraji, Jamshid, Surjeet Singh, Robert J. Sutherland, Gerlinde A.S. Metz. (2020). Environmental Determinants of Behavioural Responses to Short-Term Stress in Rats: Evidence for Inhibitory Effect of Ambient Landmarks. Behavioural Brain Research, 379, 1 - 7.
Sutherland, R.J., Lee, J. Q., McDonald,R.J., Lehmann, H. (2020). Has multiple trace theory been refuted? Hippocampus, 30(8), 842-850. DOI 10.1002/hipo.23162
Singh, S. Edgar Bermudez Contreras, Mojtaba Nazari, Robert J. Sutherland and Majid Mohajerani (2019). Low-Cost Solution for Rodent Home-Cage Behaviour Monitoring. PLOS One, 14(8), Article Number: e0221884.
Lee, J. Quinn, Robert J McDonald, Robert J Sutherland. (2019). Hippocampal damage causes retrograde amnesia and slower acquisition of discriminative cue-place memory in a two-platform water task in rats. Neuroscience, 412, 131-143.
Lee, J. Quinn, Demchuk, A. M., Morgan, E., McHugh, R., McNaughton, B. L., Robert J Sutherland, Robert J McDonald. (2019). Place navigation in the Morris water task results in greater nuclear Arc mRNA expression in dorsal compared to ventral CA1. Hippocampus, 29(11), 1133-1138. DOI 10.1002/hipo.231
Lacoursiere, SG; Mohajerani, MH and Sutherland, RJ. Seeding of a fast acting A beta peptide accelerates AD-like pathology in APP(NL-G-F) mouse model with no impairment in learning and memory. May 15 2019 | PRION 13 , pp.112-112
Singh, S; Mehla, J; (...); Mohajerani, M Probing cortico-cortical and hippocampal-cortical interactions in a second-generation mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, May 15 2019 PRION 13 , pp.101-102
Thapa, R., Scott A Wong, Robert J Sutherland, Aaron J Gruber (2018). Lesions of lateral habenula attenuate win-stay but not lose-shift responses in an uncued binary choice task. Neuroscience Letters, 692, 159-166.
Mehla, J., Sean G Lacoursiere, Valerie Lapointe, Takashi Saito, Takaomi C Saido, Bruce L McNaughton, Robert J Sutherland, Robert J McDonald, Majid Mohajerani (2019). Age dependent behavioral and biochemical characterization of single APP knock-in mouse (APPNL-G- F/NL-G-F) model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 75, 25-37.
Justin Q. Lee, Deryn O. LeDuke, Kate Chua, Robert J. McDonald, and Robert J. Sutherland (2018). Relocating cued goals induces population remapping in CA1 and rapid cue-place memory acquisition in rats. Hippocampus, 28(6), 431-440. Lee, J. Sutherland, R.J., McDonald, R.J. (2017). Hippocampal damage causes retrograde but not anterograde memory loss for context fear discrimination in rats. Hippocampus, 27(9), 951- 958.
Andonegui, G, Zelinski, EL, Schubert, C, Knight, D,Craig, L, Spanswick, S, Jenne, C, Nguyen, R, Brent W. Winston, Björn Petri, Janice Sutherland, Christopher Doig, Robert J. Sutherland, Paul Kubes. (2018). Targeting inflammatory monocytes in sepsis-associated encephalopathy and long-term cognitive impairment. JCI Insight, 3(9), Article#: e99364.
Witharana, W.K.L., J. Cardiff, M. K. Chawla, J.Y. Xie, C. Alme, M. Eckert, V. Lapointe, A. Demchuk, A.P. Maurer, V.Trivedi, R.J. Sutherland, J.F. Guzowski, C.A. Barnes, & B.L. McNaughton (2016). Nonuniform allocation of hippocampal neurons to place fields across all hippocampal subfields. Hippocampus, 26, 1328–1344. (DOI: 10.1002/hipo.22609)
Lee, J, Zelinski, E, McDonald, RJ, Sutherland, RJ (2016) Heterarchic reinstatement of long- term memory: A concept on hippocampal amnesia in rodent memory research Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 71, 154 - 166.
Mankin, EA, Sparks, FT, Slayyeh, B, Sutherland, RJ, Leutgeb, S, Leutgeb, JK (2015). Neuronal code for extended time in the hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112 E1169-E1169.
Thapa, Rajat, Sparks, Fraser T., Hanif, Wahab, Gulbrandsen, Tine, Sutherland, RJ (2014). Recent memory for socially transmitted food preferences in rats does not depend on the hippocampus. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 114: 113 – 116.
Gervais, N.J., Meagan Barrett-Bernstein, M., Sutherland, R.J. Mumby, D.G. (2014). Retrograde and anterograde memory following selective damage to the dorsolateral entorhinal cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 116, 14 - 26.
Gulbrandsen, T.L., Sutherland, RJ (2014). Temporary inactivation of the rodent hippocampus: an evaluation of the current methodology. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 225, 20 – 128.
Clark, R. E., Sutherland, R. J. (2013). The neurobiology of remote memory in the experimental animal. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 106, 292-293.
Fraser T. Sparks, FT, Simon C. Spanswick, SC, Hugo Lehmann, H, Robert J. Sutherland, RJ. (2013) Neither time nor number of context-shock pairings affect long-term dependence of memory on hippocampus. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 106, 309 - 315.
Gulbrandsen, T.L., Sparks F., Sutherland, RJ (2013). Interfering with post-learning hippocampal activity does not affect long-term consolidation of a context fear memory outside the hippocampus. Behavioural Brain Research, 240, 103 - 109.
Christie, Gregory J.; Cook, Charles M.; Ward, Brian J.; Tata, M.J. Sutherland, J.M., Sutherland, R.J., Saucier, D.M. (2013). Mental Rotational Ability Is Correlated with Spatial but Not Verbal Working Memory Performance and P300 Amplitude in Males. PLOS ONE, 8 (2) 2013 Article Number: e57390 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057390
Mankin, EA, Sparks, FT, Slayyeh, B, Sutherland, RJ, Leutgeb, S, Leutgeb, JK (2012). Neuronal code for extended time in the hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(47), 19462-19467.
Sutherland, RJ, Lehmann, H. (2011). Alternative conceptions of memory consolidation and the role of the hippocampus at the systems level in rodents. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, in press.
Faraji, J., Metz, G.A., Sutherland, R.J. (2011). Chronic stress prior to hippocampal stroke enhances post-stroke spatial deficits in the Ziggurat task. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 95, 335 – 345.
Spanswick, S.C., Lehmann, H., Sutherland, R.J. (2011). A novel animal model of hippocampal cognitive deficits, slow neurodegeneration, and neuroregeneration. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, in press, (accepted Jan 19, 2011).
Faraji J, Metz GA, Sutherland RJ (2011). Stress after hippocampal stroke enhances spatial performance in rats. Physiology & Behavior, 102, 389 – 399.