Our recommendation for this site is that it be developed for Science expansion in a wing building extending across the south coulee gully. The building would provide three levels of academic space connected through Level 6 to the adjoining atrium in University Hall and to a drop off and parking area for approximately 80 cars at Level 5 adjacent to the foyer area of the Theatre Complex of the Centre for the Arts.
The location is recommended for Science for a number of reasons:
- The student/faculty group is immediately adjacent to the atrium between University Hall and the Centre for the Arts.
- This is an optional location for prevailing winds to move laboratory fumes with minimal impact on the rest of campus.
- This site locates the Science Department closer to potential future Research Park facilities which may be developed on the recently aquired land south of the current University boundary.
- A new wing in this location reinforces the original Erickson/Massey plan.