Thesis Binding Guidelines

If students and/or supervisors would like bound copies of the Thesis for official purposes, the recommended binding guidelines are outlined below and the student and/or supervisor are responsible are responsible for making all the necessary arrangements and for the payment of the binding costs.

Paper type and weight:

The paper must be white bound, 16 lb. or 20 lb. weight. Recycled paper is acceptable if it is as white as bond paper, and has no flecks. Use one (1) paper type and weight, conforming to the formatting regulations, throughout the Thesis.

Single sided paper:

All theses must be printed on one (1) side of the paper only, on the recto (right-hand) side.


Good quality binding, with a hard cover.

On the front cover:

Either blank (no lettering), or with the Thesis title

On the spine:

Thesis title, author, year of Convocation. The title may need to be abbreviated if more than 41 characters

Binding colour:

Master of Arts: Green

Master of Counselling: Royal Blue

Master of Education: Royal Blue

Master of Fine Arts: Charcoal Grey

Master of Music: Charcoal Grey

Master of Nursing: Navy Blue

Master of Science: Maroon

Master of Science (Management): Maroon

Doctor of Philosophy: Black

Doctor of Philosophy (Education): Black



Gold. Can be all capital letters, or title case.

Students may have the Thesis printed wherever is most convenient, as long as the outcome conforms to the thesis format guidelines (see Policies & Procedures) and these binding guidelines. Students are responsible for costs associated with thesis printing and binding for their personal use and the supervisor is responsible for costs associated with printing and binding his or her copy.