I. School of Graduate Studies
Governance | Membership and Associate Membership of the School | Membership Guidelines and Rationale |Process for Membership
Governance and Principles
Governance and Principles
Approved by the Board of Governors on July 19, 2000, the School of Graduate Studies is an academic unit within the University of Lethbridge (hereafter referred to as the “University”) whose activities and functions complement those of other faculties and schools. Like other faculties and schools, the School of Graduate Studies functions under the provisions of the Post-Secondary Learning Act, and its governing and administrative structures follow the processes and procedures approved by General Faculties Council (GFC) and the Board of Governors. The School of Graduate Studies has a broad mandate to facilitate the development, improvement, and advancement of graduate education at the University. Working closely with all faculties and schools, it does so by maintaining and establishing quality graduate programs, by providing institutional support for graduate students, faculty, and existing programs and by maintaining a close relationship between graduate education and quality research, performance, and creative activities.
Subject to the control of the GFC, the School of Graduate Studies’ Graduate Council (hereafter referred to as the “Graduate Council”) is the governing body of the School and has the mandate to enact and amend standing rules, regulations, and procedures for the conduct of the School’s business. This mandate is carried out in collaboration and co-operation with the graduate program committees, which are subject to the control of the Graduate Council. Like other faculty and school councils, the Graduate Council shall have an Executive Committee. It may also establish standing or ad-hoc committees to perform various functions or to serve specific purposes.
The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies chairs the Graduate Council and its Executive Committee, and reports to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic). The Dean is responsible for the general supervision, facilitation, and administration of graduate education, ensuring that each program meets the requisite academic standards and conforms to principles and policies set out by GFC and the School of Graduate Studies. The Dean works closely with the Deans of Faculties and Schools, and with graduate program committee chairs, in order to further the academic objectives of the University.
The guiding principles of the School of Graduate Studies are
- to support graduate students in applying for, registering in, and completing their graduate programs at the University of Lethbridge;
- to encourage and support the creation of new graduate programming that meets the strategic objectives of the University of Lethbridge;
- to identify and address barriers in access to graduate programs in accordance with best practices in EDI; and
- to ensure that the University of Lethbridge continues to provide high quality relevant graduate opportunities.
Membership and Associate Membership of the School
With the establishment of the School of Graduate Studies, the GFC and the Board of Governors deemed it desirable to establish University criteria for membership in the School of Graduate Studies, to ensure and enhance the academic quality of graduate studies at the University.
Membership in the School of Graduate Studies is divided into three categories as shown in the table following, with privileges attached to each category.
Membership level |
Criteria |
Privileges |
External and Emeriti |
External and emeriti members are individuals who are allied with the University of Lethbridge in various ways, such as individuals with short term contracts, individuals from other institutions or from the community, or professors emeriti. |
Associate |
Associate members are those with continuing and formal employment relationships with the University of Lethbridge but who are not full members. |
Associate members have all of the privileges of External and Emeriti members, plus:
Full |
Full members are tenured or tenure track academic staff members at the University of Lethbridge. |
Full members have all of the privileges of Associate and External and Emeriti members, plus:
- Appointment to ANY role on a graduate committee is at the discretion of the relevant Graduate Program Committee. In particular, the relevant program committee will have discretion over appointments to all committees for PhD students.
- Associate members may, on occasion and with the agreement of their Dean and the relevant Graduate Program Committee, be temporarily given privileges belonging to Full members.
- There are to be no current University of Lethbridge students on the Graduate Council, excluding only those appointed by the Graduate Students’ Association. This includes Full or Associate Members who may be temporarily enrolled in graduate programs at the University of Lethbridge.
- There may be perceived conflict of interest for members depending on their personal circumstances or situation. The School of Graduate Studies will endeavour to address such situations on a case-by-case basis while respecting the privacy of those involved. Temporary suspension of some privileges may be recommended by the Dean in order to resolve conflicts of interest.
- It is strongly recommended that members on leave who are involved in supervisory activities appoint co-supervisors who will serve in this role for the duration of the leave.
Membership Guidelines and Rationale
Full Members:
To be a Full member of the School of Graduate Studies, the individual shall normally:
- be a tenured or tenure-track member of the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor;
- hold the terminal degree appropriate to the field in which they have been appointed to the rank above; and
- demonstrate evidence of a continuing record of productivity in scholarship, research, creative work, or performance.
Associate Members:
Associate Membership exists to accommodate individuals who are employed by the University of Lethbridge and who are qualified to teach and/or supervise graduate students at the University, but otherwise may not meet criteria for Full membership. This will generally be University of Lethbridge academic staff members in non-professorial ranks.
Emeriti and External Members:
The Emeriti and External Membership category exists to accommodate individuals who are bring qualifications or experience that may qualify them to teach and/or co-supervise graduate students at the University of Lethbridge, but who are not formally employed by the University of Lethbridge. Such individuals should possess a relevant terminal degree appropriate to a tenure-track appointment at an accredited university, and/or demonstrate evidence of a continuing record of productivity in teaching, research, creative work, performance, or other professional activity appropriate for the fulfillment of duties and responsibilities of graduate supervision or teaching, and/or possess significant Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous community standing appropriate for the fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities involved in graduate supervision or teaching.
These individuals may include (but is not limited to):
- emeriti and retired University of Lethbridge faculty members;
- Indigenous Elders, Indigenous community leaders, or Traditional Knowledge Holders;
- faculty members employed at external post-secondary institutions; or
- other credentialed professionals working externally to the university.
The University of Lethbridge recognizes that training and professional development in various areas can be beneficial at any level of appointment or employment. To this end, as of 2023, the University has mandated that all students must complete training on gender-based violence. In line with this recommendation, the School of Graduate Studies has the following requirements for its members:
Accountability |
All members of the School of Graduate Studies may be required to complete training modules as approved by Graduate Council. The list of required modules will be provided on the School of Graduate Studies website. |
Provide confirmation of training to the School of Graduate Studies. If confirmation is not provided within one year of membership application or renewal some privileges associated with membership may be revoked. |
Process for Membership
a) Full membership in the School of Graduate Studies is not mandatory for tenured or tenure-track members of the University. Such an individual who desires membership in the School of Graduate Studies must be recommended by the Dean of their faculty/school.
b) Individuals who qualify as Associate members must be recommended for membership by the Dean of the faculty/school in which the relevant graduate program is delivered. Such a recommendation should include the rationale (i.e. the nature of the role(s) the individual will undertake as an Associate member.
c) Other individuals who have an interest in participating in graduate mentorship at the University of Lethbridge may request appointment as external or emeriti members. Recommendation for such an appointment must come from the Dean of the faculty/school in which the relevant graduate program is delivered. The Dean’s recommendation should include the rationale (i.e. the nature of the role(s) the individual will undertake as an external or emeritus/a member) as well as the recommended length of term of the appointment.
d) The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies will review and approve all requests by delegated authority from Graduate Council.
e) Where a Dean of a faculty or school considers that an individual merits privileges that belong to a level or membership for which that individual does not qualify, that Dean may recommend a temporary assignment of those privileges. Such requests must be accompanied by a rationale and a recommended term, and must be approved by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and the relevant Graduate Program Committee.
f) Full and Associate membership in the School of Graduate Studies is on a continuing basis unless otherwise specified, provided the member remains employed as a faculty member at the University. External and emeriti membership appointments are granted only for a limited term for the purpose of performing specified duties.