The intent of the Graduate Student Intellectual Property Guidelines document is to provide a framework to graduate students and their supervisors to address the varied issues associated with intellectual property (IP) that may arise in the graduate education context at the University of Lethbridge. Linked below are two additional reference tools; the first is the Intellectual Property Awareness Form and the second is the Graduate Research Confidentiality Agreement. Both are intended to aid and facilitate IP-related discussion in the context of graduate studies at the University of Lethbridge. A primary goal of graduate education is the creation of new knowledge. When that occurs, questions can arise regarding its ownership and use. Experience has shown that early discussion of matters relating to intellectual property can help graduate students and supervisors establish comfortable collaborations and minimize conflict.
These guidelines provide some fundamental definitions, identify current field-of-study customs and conventions, and provide links to sources of further, more detailed, information. The guidelines are not intended to replace independent legal advice, nor are they intended to restrict the openness that normally characterizes intellectual scholarship within the University. It is hoped that these guidelines provide both graduate students and supervisors with helpful information and suggestions for approaches to a topic that can seem daunting, by virtue of its complexity. By incorporating this information into our graduate programs, we hope to promote collegiality within our academic community and help to prepare our graduates for the societal roles they aspire to undertake.
- Intellectual Property Guidelines for Graduate Students and Supervisors
- Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement for Graduate Students
- Intellectual Property Awareness form
If you require further information or have additional questions regarding the Graduate Student Intellectual Property Guidelines please contact the School of Graduate Studies.