Resources You Will Need

There are many things to think about when it comes to registering for courses. We’ve got all the tools you’ll need to sort your thoughts and be organized. We suggest having the resources mentioned below available when you are planning your schedule each term. Undergraduate students can print a Program Planning Guide and Registration Worksheet if you’d like a paper copy.

Program Planning Guide and Sample Sequencing Plan (Undergraduate)

Your Program Planning Guide (PPG) is key to building your schedule. It identifies program requirements, lists all the courses required in your specific program, and includes a Sample Sequencing Plan (SSP).

The SSP is part of your PPG and is the faculty-recommended route to complete your degree. It provides you with a breakdown of what courses can and should be taken each term. SSP typically reference three types of courses: required courses, Liberal Education List Requirement (Lib Ed Requirement) courses and electives.

Transfer or Post-Diploma Students
Depending on the transfer credit you have received and the major and program you chose, your course sequencing may differ from what is described in your PPG. Contact an academic advisor to determine courses in which you should register.

Registration Worksheet

The Registration Worksheet will help you clearly list the courses you need to construct a conflict-free schedule. This will help you determine important information and choose potential alternatives in case your first choice is unavailable when you are registering.

Course Descriptions

The Course Descriptions are helpful in learning more about subject areas or specific courses. It is important to note that not all courses listed are offered every term.

Registration Dates

The Registration Dates includes steps on how to find your registration times.

The Bridge

The Bridge is the student information system where you can access your personal details, apply for scholarships, register for courses and more!


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