
Important items to note:

  •  The uLethbridge Grading System is now found here. Official transcripts have a link at the top of the page to the Grading Systems page.
  • The student's consent is always required before an Official Academic Transcript can be released.
  • Official transcripts are sent directly between institutions or from the student to the receiver through the MyCreds digital wallet.
  • The charge for official transcripts is $12 per copy.
  • With each paper transcript request, an official digital transcript will be uploaded to the secure MyCreds digital wallet. Learn more here
  • Official paper transcripts are sent by regular mail. An additional charge will apply for any other method of delivery (e.g. fax, courier).
  • If you owe any fees to uLethbridge (including library fees), transcripts will not be released.

Requesting Official Academic Transcripts

The Bridge

  1. Login to the Bridge (if you have forgotten your username and password click Need help)
  2. Select 'Student' from the top menu
  3. Select 'Student Records'
  4. Select 'Request Digital MyCreds Transcript'
  5. You will arrive the 'Digital Transcript Request' page where you can request the timing of your digital transcript receipt.