When registering, you may find that you receive an error message at some point along the way. The messages below are the most commonly received error messages and what they mean.
You are missing the prerequisite for the course you are attempting to register for. Check the "View Catalogue Entry" on the course in the timetable.
- Your Academic Standing prevents you from registration
- Your current Year of Study prevents registration in this section
- Your current Faculty prevents registration in this section
- Your current Degree of Study prevents registration in this section (e.g. B.H.Sc., M.A.)
- Your current Level prevents registration in this section (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, doctoral)
- Your current Field of Study (eg. major) prevents registration in this section until reserves are lifted. Note: courses are not reserved for streams
- Your current program prevents registration in this section (i.e. degree and major combination)
The course is full. Students change and drop courses throughout the registration period, so keep trying to register.
You have entered an invalid CRN. Check the online schedule for the most up to date information.
This course is not available for registration through the Bridge. Follow the instructions in the notes listed under the course in the timetable.
You have not correctly registered in a course with lecture, lab, and/or tutorial components. When you register in a course with a linked component, you must enter one of each of the individual required components of the course (one CRN for a section, one for a lab, and/or one for a tutorial) on the ‘Add Classes Worksheet’ before you click ‘Submit Changes’ or you will not be registered in any of the course components.
- CRN 10814 for CPSC 1620 SEC A
- CRN 10815 for CPSC 1620 LAB 1 (For Sec A)
- CRN 10818 for CPSC 1620 TUT 01 (For Sec A)
- CRN 11141 for STAT 1770 SEC YY
- CRN 11142 for STAT 1770 TUT 11 (For Calgary)
You must enter 10814, 10815, and 10818 in the textboxes on the ‘Add Classes Worksheet’ in order to register in this course.
You have skipped a textbox (left one in the middle blank) when entering CRNs.
You have tried to register in a course with a lecture, lab, and/or tutorial component and one component is missing or full. You must enter a CRN for each required component (lecture/lab/tutorial) before you click 'Submit Changes', or try a different combination.
Fifteen credit hours (or five 3.0 credit courses) is the maximum amount of credit hours allowed until the first day of classes.
This course is reserved for students who require it for their program, or there are no more reserved seats left for your program. Reserved seats will be released for general access during the registration period, so keep trying to register. If you require this course for your program, contact a Faculty academic advisor. Some Faculties offer wait-lists.
You cannot register in courses offered during the same time or where the time overlaps.
Return to the 'Student Records' menu and click 'View Holds'. You will have a hold on your account if we are missing documents from you, if you owe money to the uLethbridge etc.
You are attempting to register outside of your assigned registration window.
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