Job Search

Searching for a job can be frustrating and time-consuming, but there are many habits and techniques that can help you gain momentum. It's important not to take things personally since there are uncontrollable factors, and instead focus on what you can control and be open to adaptation. Below are some considerations to help build momentum in your job search:

  • Inform your network that you are looking for work, including friends, family, previous co-workers, and acquaintances. Many opportunities arise through referrals.
  • When searching online, take the time to read the full job postings instead of filtering too quickly. Pay attention to the skills, experiences, and attributes that a role is seeking. You might be surprised by the available roles when you broaden your search.
  • Create a list of organizations in your area that interest you and plan to engage in professional networking and relationship-building.
  • Continuously expand your online network by following and connecting with people and companies of interest.
  • Attend career and job fairs, as well as other community events that feature companies of interest.
  • When searching for jobs online, explore a wide variety of websites, such as ALIS, Job Bank, Indeed, Eluta, Workopolis, Simply Hired, and company career sections. Each website may have unique job postings, so it's beneficial to search across different platforms.