PhD students registered in the Cultural, Social, and Political Thought (CSPT) major must successfully complete the comprehensive examination after obtaining the required 9.0 credits of core CSPT coursework and within the first 24 months of their program registration. All Comprehensive Examinations will have written components and an oral examination of no longer than 2 hours.
The Cultural, Social, and Political Thought major in the Ph.D. program is interdisciplinary and intended to ground students in a body of cognate critical theories and methodologies. Across disciplinary boundaries, the Cultural, Social, and Political Thought major emphasizes the critical engagement of ideas and their manifestation in shifting cultural, social, and political contexts, therefore, the comprehensive examination will be designed to reflect the major’s following learning outcomes and to support breadth and depth in the student’s research program, as determined by the Comprehensive Examination Committee in consultation with the student:
Social Theory to demonstrate comprehensive expertise and advanced understanding of relevant theoretical frameworks pertinent to cultural, social and political thought;
Method to demonstrate comprehensive expertise and advanced understanding of relevant methodology and methods pertinent to cultural, social and political thought;
Substantive Field to demonstrate comprehensive expertise and advanced substantive knowledge in interdisciplinary area of cultural, social and political thought. Research topics are not constrained, but may include such problems, issues, and concepts as gender, race, class, age, disability, sexuality, equality, nation, citizenship, justice, power and resistance.
The CSPT Advisory Committee strongly recommends that the candidate devote six (6) months to preparation for the Comprehensive Examination process in advance of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) paperwork deadline for the oral examination. It is recommended that the candidate and supervisor declare topic(s), format, and Comprehensive Examination Committee composition at the commencement of this six-month period. While the candidate is expected to work independently, the Supervisor and Comprehensive Examination Committee should provide guidance and consider details of the proposed examination for approval early in the process. The SGS requires the Comprehensive Examination Notification Form at least four (4) weeks before the scheduled date of the oral comprehensive examination.
Comprehensive Examination Committee membership is comprised of the following:
- A Chair
- The members of the candidate’s supervisory committee
- Optional external examiner
The Chair of the Comprehensive Examination cannot be the candidate’s supervisor. The Chair of the Comprehensive Examination is a representative of the School of Graduate Studies and is required to be familiar with the policies and procedures related to the defence.
The Comprehensive Examination Format
Examination Component: |
Description: |
Written Component |
All Comprehensive Examinations will have written components designed to reflect the major’s learning outcomes, as outlined in the preamble, and to support breadth and depth in the student’s research program, as determined by the examination committee in consultation with the student. Written components of the examination may take one of the two suggested models outlined below or variations and combinations of these models, as the Comprehensive Examination Committee, in consultation with the candidate, determines is appropriate. The written components are assessed by the committee on a pass/fail basis. If the candidate has passed the written component, then the oral examination will proceed as scheduled according to the Comprehensive Examination Notification form. If the candidate has failed the written component, the candidate will be given one (1) opportunity to retake the written components. Regardless of the format, the expectation is that the student will be the sole author of any materials subject to examination and will normally be the primary author on any subsequent publications arising from these materials.
Format Option 1: Two Papers and a Practical Written Component The candidate will prepare and submit:
Format Option 2. Three Component Written Examination and a Practical Written Component The candidate, in consultation with the Comprehensive Examination Committee, identifies focus in each of the above CSPT learning outcome areas and prepares three bibliographies, which must have adequate depth and breath, be distinct from each other, and cross disciplinary boundaries.
Oral Component |
Approved by Graduate Council on December 12, 2018.