“When it comes to education, there is nothing stopping you from achieving your full potential. Plan carefully every single semester and register for any extracurricular class that might contribute to your professional goal. If in doubt, do not hesitate to seek academic support from the Student Success Center or academic advisors. Be proactive and try to take advantage of the many wonderful research opportunities being offered at the U of L as early as possible. Study smarter not harder. Doing your assignments ahead of time and studying a couple of hours a day might save you from having regrets and long nights at the end of the semester. Last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy life!”
Favourite Class: Genetics
Favourite Social Activity: Annual meeting on RNA day
Favourite Study Spot: In the brand new graduate students’ office
What makes my uLethbridge experience unique?
Being a selected member of the Future Innovators in Technology (FIT) pilot program
Conducting RNA research over the summer at ARTI under the supervision of Dr. Ute Widen-Kothe
Working towards my MSc in the Kothe’s lab
Being accepted into the RNA Innovation program to receive high-quality training and gain valuable industry experience
Being exposed to a great and intellectual RNA community