Teaching Fellows

ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: The third Friday of January (by 4:00 PM)
Possible Projects
- Leading our Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) working group to further the profile and support for this type of research on campus.
- Researching promising practices when using AI technologies in the classroom and who is using these technologies in their teaching.
- Looking at current course evaluation processes and practices across campus to help improve the process (for Faculty and Students) as well as help Faculty better utilize the information that can be gleaned from this process.
- Researching Open Access resource usage on campus and helping to identify the supports that are necessary to allow Faculty to move to Open Access if they want to.
What can you do as a Teaching Fellow?
Richelle Marynowski - Faculty of Education Teaching Fellow January 2017 to December 2018
As a Teaching Fellow, I am looking forward to supporting Faculty and Graduate Students in continuing to refine their assessment and grading practices. I believe that having Teaching Fellows supports colleagues in working together to make our practice, and thus the learning experiences of students, better.
Randy Barley - Department of Biological Sciences Teaching Fellow - July 2017 to June 2019
It seems that in 2017, students view smartphones as being almost as essential to their lives as oxygen and with continuous notifications, interjecting themselves into the minds of students, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to focus on the task of learning. The goal of my fellowship is to examine the detrimental impacts that smartphones are having on student learning both in the classroom and beyond and to explore strategies to help students cope in this increasingly information-dense world.
Keith Roscoe - Faculty of Education Teaching Fellow - July 2010 - June 2011
Keith constructed a teaching handbook for graduate students who took on a teaching assistant role during their master's degree.
Helena Danyk - Department of Biological Sciences Teaching Fellow - July 2010 - June 2011
Helena focused her time as a Teaching Fellow working with our staff to help revitalize the Graduate workshops for teaching assistants. To this day we are still running these workshops which remain very popular with graduate students.