SoTL Grants

NEW Pilot Grant Opportunities
Talk to the Teaching Centre to learn more about the funds available to support your SoTL research. This pilot program aims to better support educators by providing increased application deadlines and streamlined funds.
Flicker Grant: up to $1500
Ember Grant: up to $5000
Ignite Grant: up to $15 000
Application deadlines are November 1, February 1, May 1, and August 1
The ULRF SoTL Stream is an internal source of funds directed toward the support of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and administered by the Teaching Centre. The objective of the ULRF SoTL Stream is to help researchers secure external funding, by providing seed money for new projects and to launch a program of research. The ULRF SoTL Stream is not intended to provide on-going support through repeated applications or to supplement an on-going program of research.
As a pilot program for the 2024/2025 academic school year revised grant opportunities will be available and, in hopes of better supporting educators, applications will now be accepted four times throughout the year. Explore your options below and connect with the Teaching Centre to learn more.
Flicker Grant
0 - $1 500
The SoTL Flicker Grant provides financial assistance to University of Lethbridge educators interested in research within a one-year timeline. Inspired by a question about teaching and learning in their courses, educators applying for the SoTL Flicker Grant will engage in research design that explores ethics, data collection and analysis, and dissemination. The Teaching Centre is here to partner with you, offering support in research design, the ethics process, hiring and working with research assistants, and exploring the many ways to share your scholarly learning with the broader educational community.
Application deadlines:
November 1
February 1
May 1
August 1
Ember Grant
0 - $5 000
The SoTL Ember Grant offers multiple researchers an opportunity to design a larger research agenda. Also inspired by inquiry and a focus on enhancing or better understanding teaching and learning, educators applying for the Ember Grant are likely approaching the research design with numerous courses or disciplines in mind. As a collaborative endeavour, two or more educators will aim to complete this research within one year. As a partner in SoTL, the team at the Teaching Centre is eager to support you through the application process and beyond.
Application deadlines:
November 1
February 1
May 1
August 1
Ignite Grant
0 - $15 000
Intended to engage multiple educators in research that impacts teaching and learning at an institutional level, the Ignite SoTL Grant provides financial support for extensive research plans. Educators are encouraged to collaborate with colleagues from other faculties and consider a multi-disciplinary approach to gathering data. Ignite grant recipients can plan within a two-year timeframe and can rely on the Teaching Centre team to facilitate the process.
Application deadline:
May 1
There are three main objectives of SoTL:
- To improve student learning by finding better, more engaging ways to teach;
- To conduct scholarly examination of what takes place inside the classroom, asking questions and collecting evidence on the effectiveness of different methods of teaching; and
- To make the results of this analysis readily available to other scholars, inviting their comment and review, and contributing to knowledge on student learning.
This fund is focused specifically on teaching and learning at the post-secondary level at the University of Lethbridge.