professional Semester III - Course Outline - Assignments


Below is a list of the assignments with associated due dates.

  1. Long Range Plan (Jan 2 ...or as soon as possible)
  2. Professional Development Seminars
  3. Professional Growth Plan: Proposal (due Jan 30), Final (Apr 10)
  4. Professional KSA Portfolio (due date variable)
  5. Professional Inquiry Project: Proposal (due Jan 30), Final (due Apr 17)
  6. Final Descriptive Report: Draft (Apr 3), Final (Apr 17)


There are two components to the assessment of PS III. There is assessment of the professional development activities (course) and then there is an assessment of your teaching - both are combined in the final evaluation.

PS III is assessed on a Pass/Fail basis (an incomplete is an option in extenuating circumstances). Interns will be graded consistent with the procedures outlined in the Faculty of Education Field Experiences Handbook (p. 5).

If a Teacher Mentor, Faculty Advisor, or School Administrator considers that an Intern Teacher is not meeting expectations then procedures for difficulties will be invoked. However, it is hoped that interns will engage survival techniques before the situation becomes critical.

Evaluation Procedures and Criteria

Evaluation is pass/fail and is assigned by the Faculty Consultant in conversation with the Teacher Mentor and School Administrator.


“…the intern’s final grade will be based on teaching performance and professional requirements. The teaching performance includes demonstration of the Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes of beginning teachers as defined by the Teaching Quality Standard document (Alberta Education, 1997).”

The Teacher Mentor, Faculty Advisor, and School Administrator all contribute to the final evaluation. Each person (including the Intern) will compose a final descriptive report and the Administrator, Mentor Teacher, and Faculty Advisor come to a consensus on the grade (p/f). Thus it will be important for the Mentor Teacher and Administrator to observe the Intern regularly. The Mentor Teacher should probably observe the intern at least once a week. The school Administrator should see the intern at least 3 times. If you are in zone 6 the Faculty Advisor would also observe at least twice. However, if the Intern is in a distant placement then the Faculty Advisor would not normally observe the Intern’s teaching.

Faculty Advisor's Report

The Faculty Advisor’s evaluation will also address the Intern's participation in the professional development (course) components of the experience. These professional requirements include setting and achieving professional goals, engaging in professional development activities, participating in seminars, completing a professional portfolio, and submitting a final descriptive report.