Welcome to Undergraduate Studies
Become a Teacher!
What makes our teacher education program one of the best in the country? It really comes down to our philosophy of growing the finest educators possible. Everything we do is designed to fulfill that philosophy, from our outstanding Faculty to the breadth of our programs, the students we accept, to the teachers who will mentor them.
As we see it, when we meet that commitment, we serve our deeper dedication to educating students who will have the good fortune of learning from a ULethbridge Faculty of Education graduate.
The teacher education program can be completed in three ways:
- The Combined Degrees Program is a five-year program which results in the simultaneous granting of two degrees: a Bachelor of Education and a second degree from another faculty;
- If you already have a degree, you may be eligible for the two-year After Degree BEd. Program;
- New for Fall 2024: The four-year BEd in Early Years Education prepares students who know they want to teach at the Kindergarten to Grade 3 level.
Graduates of all three programs will be certified to teach K - 12 in Alberta.
Application deadline is February 1. Document deadline is March 1.
Combined Degrees Program
Program Detail
Combined Degrees Requirements
Application deadline is February 1. Document deadline is March 1.
After Degree Program
After Degree Program Detail
After Degree Requirements
New! Application deadline is March 1. Document deadline is April 1.
BEd in Early Years Education
Program Announcement
Program Completion
Upon completion of the program, each student will have accumulated 27 weeks of student teaching. A student will be eligible to apply for teacher certification to teach Kindergarten to Grade 12 in the Province of Alberta once the BEd program has been successfully completed. Other provinces will honour Alberta teacher certification, although there may be additional criteria required by each province. Please see the Graduation Procedures page for further information.
You may also contact Student Program Services for more information:
Student Program Services
Faculty of Education
TH 421 (Turcotte Hall)
University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
Email: edu.sps@uleth.ca