Previous Gushul Residents
Since the founding of the Gushul Residency Programs in the early 1990s, the University of Lethbridge has supported hundreds of emerging and established artists and writers, by providing a tranquil and welcoming retreat in the heart of the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. A selected list of previous residents includes:
- Reza Aliabadi
- Gisele Amantea
- Cedra Ardec
- Robin Arseneault
- Chris Baldwin
- Joanne Cardinal-Schubert
- Victoria Collis
- Adrian Cooke
- Joel Crosschild
- Gabi Dao
- Susan Detwiler
- Vanessa Eagle Bear
- Mandy Espezel
- Rosalie Favell
- Ryland Fortie
- Hamish Fulton
- Don Gill
- Anton Ginzburg
- Will Gorlitz
- Helen Grainger Wilson
- Julia Hamilton
- John Hartman
- Faye HeavyShield
- Geoffrey James
- Gunilla Josephson
- Doug Kirton
- Michael Leeb
- Tim Lilburn
- Tyler Los-Jones
- Emily Luce
- Amanda Lynch
- Glen MacKinnon
- David MacWilliam
- Rita McKeogh
- Annette Merkenthaler
- Janice Rahn
- Kelly Richardson
- Janet Rogers
- Scott Rogers
- Susan Shantz
- Jeffrey Spalding
- Melinda Spooner
- Nick Wade
- Janet Werner
- Peter White
- Jean van Wijk
- Carol Williams
- Jim Wills