Ex Officio
Terry Whitehead, Chancellor, Chair
Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor
Ten (10) members of Senate, appointed by Senate as follows:
Five (5) public members of Senate
Fred Baskerville
Tim Rempel
Rufa Doria
Upen Patel
Lindsay Spadavecchia
One (1) member of the Alumni Association
Bill Spenceley
One (1) member of the non-academic staff
Nando Ortega Arango
One (1) member of the General Faculties Council
Natasha Buis Deering
One (1) member of the Graduate Students’ Association
Justin Dubiel
One (1) member of the Students’ Union
Maleeka Thomas
Resource Members (Non-voting)
Gage DeSteur, Governance Officer
Quorum = 7 Voting Members