Teaching Consultation


From assessments to your syllabus, the Teaching Centre can consult with you on any teaching-related aspects of your course.

Book a Teaching Support Consultation 

What do we focus on during these consultations?

You drive all consultations. If you wish to focus on assessment rather than engagement, then those are the areas in which we will focus. It is important to know that there is always a Teaching Centre staff member ready to help you with your teaching needs.


I want to incorporate a photo essay assignment into my course. What is the best way to go about this?

My students are not engaging with in-class discussions. What can be done to improve engagement?

I keep getting low marks on my teaching evaluations for my lectures and presentation materials. What can I do to improve in this area?

My students have a hard time figuring out my grading scheme, can you help me design a new grading scheme that works best with my assessment goals?

All of my students are doing excellent in my class! Am I doing something wrong, or have I made my course too easy?

What comes from these consultations?

Our consultants will provide you with suggestions to address your teaching challenges in a friendly and non-judgemental environment. Our advice and suggestions get documented for you and explained, so you understand how to take steps to implement those suggestions. Depending on your needs, we will also book follow-up consultations to see how our suggestions have worked, and how they can improve

Other supports may be called into play as needs arise. For example, if a new piece of software is being introduced to you, we will also provide technical training to ensure that this new aspect of your teaching can sustain itself throughout the class.

Why do I need to consult with you regarding my teaching?

By no means do you have to visit us in the Teaching Centre for a consultation, but you should know that you will have a friendly, knowledgeable and skilled staff ready to meet with you and discuss YOUR teaching needs in a confidential environment.

Can you observe my teaching as part of the consultation?

We love coming to see what you are doing in your class. Just let us know which aspects of your teaching you would like us to focus on during the observation, and we will share our findings and suggestions with you after class or at a later convenient time.