Active learning is a process whereby students engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content. In other words, students are not passively taking in content, but are actively engaged with it.
The Learning Enviroment Evaluation(LEE) group within the Teaching Centre has done a lot of research around active learning, including the use of SCALE-UP rooms.
For LEE resources relating to active learning, please click here.
For LEE resources relating to SCALE-UP rooms, please click here.
Creating a Lecture or Presentation
When creating a lecture or presentation, there are a few rules to keep in mind. These rules are suggestions that can help you as a presenter, and also help your audience follow along better.
Group Work
Because active learning requires interactions between students and content, students and teacher, as well as student to student, group work is probably one of the most imporant aspects of active learning.
Cased Based Learning
Many courses use case studies in their curriculum to teach content, involve students with real life data or provide opportunities for students to put themselves in the decision maker's shoes.
Project Based Learning
Project based learning is an approach to teaching in which student are engaged by having them tackle authentic problems. The facts and knowledge needed to solve problems are often segregated from the application skills needed to apply the information in a critical way. Project based learning is a way to bridge this gap and produce learning that integrates facts, knowledge, skills and the application of those to a real problem.
Discussion and Communication
How can I engage my students in meaningful discussion? My class discussion has gotten out of control. How do I get it back under control? Facilitating Small Group Discussions.
Managing the Classroom
Prepare students for class, get to know your students, and make the most of the classroom environment.