Co-op Job Board Guide

Ready to find your next Co-op opportunity? Our Co-op Job Board is your gateway to a wide range of job postings tailored for Co-op students. To get started, simply navigate to the Co-op Job Board from the Co-op Menu in MyExperience. Explore the listings, apply for positions that match your interests and skills, and take the next step in your professional journey.


Follow the images and instructions below to easily access and utilize the Co-op Job Board.

To access Co-op Job Postings, select Co-op Job Board from the Co-op Menu.

You can use the pre-set Search Functions:

  • Featured Postings
  • For My Program
  • Shortlist
  • Viewed
  • New Postings Since Last Login
  • Postings added in the last 3 days
  • Application Deadline Today
  • Application Deadlines in the Next 10 Days
  • Outcome Campus Connect Opportunities

Or you can customize, save, and receive email notifications for your searches (select Job Search)


To view individual job postings, simply click on the Job Title. This will provide detailed information about the position, including requirements, responsibilities, and application instructions.


To apply for a position, you will need to prepare your application documents. Application Information, including required documents, is available on the Application Information Tab

ALL Applications are submitted as an application package. Application packages will include document types such as a resume, cover letter, transcript, or “other” documents (e.g., writing sample). Details are included within each job posting.

You can manage your documents for applications, within each job posting, or through “Documents” in your Co-op menu.


File Saving Convention Tips

  • Save your documents using this format: LastName_FirstName_JobID (e.g., Smith_Bob_2840).
  • Save your application package with the same format: LastName_FirstName_JobID (e.g., Smith_Bob_2840).
  • For transcripts, use: LastName_FirstName_Semester (e.g., Smith_Bob_Fall2017).

Tip: Consistently using these conventions ensures your files are easily identifiable and organized.