To stay organized and up-to-date, you should make yourself aware of dates and deadlines including holidays, last days for registration or cancellation of courses, and your first day of classes. Most of these deadlines will vary from year to year (with the exception of deadline for payment of tuition and fees). We recommend that you have a close look at the uLethbridge Academic Schedule and mark important dates on your calendar.
Deadlines for applications for admission and related document submission may be found here for undergraduate applicants and here for graduate applicants.
At the University of Lethbridge, the academic year is typically broken up into three sections: the Fall term (September through December), the Winter term (January through April), and the Summer term (May through August) which can be further divided into smaller sessions. The Summer term is typically considered a break for undergraduate students. Courses are available during the Summer term, however the selection is more limited, and the courses tend to be more intensive. Graduate students maintain full-time registration year-round, in Fall, Winter and Summer terms.
Reading week occurs once during each Fall and Winter semester. These week-long breaks from regularly scheduled classes give students a chance to catch up on homework and reading, and time to focus on self-care.