2017/2018 Shining Students

"It’s okay to change your mind about everything.”
Favourite Class: Research Methods in Neuroscience
Favourite Social Activity: Blue & Gold Athletics Banquet
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Varsity Track and Field
- Co-op work term with Health Canada in Ottawa, ON
- Co-op work term with the Department of National Defence, Defence Research & Development Canada
- Undergraduate Research at the CCBN (Applied Studies)
- Heritage Youth Researcher Summer Program

“Own your education, ask questions, learn about what you love, and get involved in the things that you are passionate about.”
Favourite Class: All ecology classes!
Favourite Social Activity: Sport Intramurals
Favourite Study Spot: Home
My uLethbridge experience:
- Global Citizenship Cohort
- Friendliness and availability of profs
- Oldman Watershed Council volunteer/board of directors
- Self-initiate co-op term
- Independent study/being a tutor for Liberal Education 1000
Read more about Antoine's uLethbridge experience: The Global Citizenship Cohort and Co-op Opportunities Inspired Antoine Gendron to Create Environmental Change
"It’s okay to not know what’s next. Set an immediate goal, and reach for that.”
Favourite Class: Animal Physiology
Favourite Social Activity: Graduate student activities!
Favourite Study Spot: My lab
What makes my uLethbridge experience unique?
- Being a part of Graduate Students' Association
- Volunteering to be an International Student Mentor
- Gaining experience in dealing with situations
- Knowing there’s someone to talk to about future prospects
- Karis, Claire and Ima at the International Centre
“Look for opportunities to get involved on campus both inside and outside of your department!”
Favourite Class: Early Modern Britain
Favourite Social Activity: ORS Events!
Favourite Study Spot: Study Cubbies in the Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Chinook Summer Research Award Recipient 2014 and 2015
- Research Assistant (History) Summer 2016, Fall 2014
- Exhibitor at Galt Museum for ‘Undergraduate Works about Women’s History’
- The Organization of Residence Students (ORS): Residence Assistant, VP Parkway, Business Manager
- Canadian Cancer Awareness Club-Executive

"Join lots of clubs and get to know your instructors. If you can develop meaningful relationships with your peers and professors, you’ll get the most out of your university experience. And if you’re moving to Lethbridge, explore the city. Explore the communities neighbouring the city. Find what it is that people love about Lethbridge and Southern Alberta. If you put in the effort to love Lethbridge, Lethbridge will love you back.”
Favourite Class: Theorizing Women's Lives: Feminist Frameworks
Favourite Social Activity: Chatting with friends in the NASA lounge
Favourite Study Spot: 9th floor by the windows in the day and Markin Hall at night
My uLethbridge experience:
- Resources for Indigenous students
- Strong sense of community
- Co-op work term in Ottawa
- Numerous clubs and volunteer opportunities
- Close proximity to great places
Read more about Blair's uLethbridge experience: Blair Palmer Yoxall (BA '18) Bleeds Ink Onto the Pages of Western Novel
"Please do not be scared to approach your profs or join clubs! Everyone here is super nice & willing to help you find ways to complete your goals & be happy. Also, enjoy it while it lasts!"
Favourite Class: Anything in Geographical Information Science (GIS)
Favourite Social Activity: Geography Club Hikes
Favourite Study Spot: Quiet area of the library
My uLethbridge experience:
- All of my profs have been great!
- The Geography Club
- Classes that took me outside
- An independent study at Red Rock Coulee over summer 2016 & learning lots of fieldwork methods
- There are a ton of resources on campus to help students (library (research), counselling, co-op office, profs, other students, etc.)
"Take advantage of the excellent opportunities at uLethbridge to do undergraduate research. You will gain work experience, create professional networks, build your resume, and contribute meaningfully to the academic discourse."
Favourite Class: Introduction to Neurotechnology
Favourite Social Activity: GSA Wine & Cheese
Favourite Study Spot: CCBN
My uLethbridge experience:
- Challenging, fulfilling work
- Meeting people from wide and disparate backgrounds
- Knowledgeable, supportive faculty
- Learning how to be a critical consumer of information
- Mentoring undergraduate and high school students and watching them flourish
"It might sound corny but university is a chance to explore who you are as a person. Don’t limit yourself! Seize every opportunity you get here and try lots of new things, you might be surprised at all the experiences you’re opened up to when you put yourself out there. Also, it’s okay if you run out of breath walking up the Fine Arts stairs, we all do.”
Favourite Class: Urban Anthropology with Jan Newberry
Favourite Social Activity: Soccer intramurals and Pronghorns basketball games (watching people struggle to walk against the wind is an honourable mention)
Favourite Study Spot: Observation deck by the pool
My uLethbridge experience:
- Working on an independent study on student drug Use with one of my favourite professors, Steve Ferzacca
- Serving as President and Vice President of the University African & Caribbean Students Association
- Writing articles for the Meliorist student magazine
- Being part of the research team for professor Jan Newberry’s student retention project
- Working as a Residence Assistant and Vice President of the Organization of Residence Students
“Look for all the opportunities and ways to learn and take advantage of them. Be a good citizen on and off-campus.”
Favourite Class(s): History of Women; Evolution of the Brain and Behavior
Favourite Social Activity: Comradery with other graduate students
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Grateful for a liberal education
- Opportunity at every corner: independent studies, COHT
- The sense of belonging
- Support
- Encouragement
"Get to know yourself and follow the path that makes YOU happy."
Favourite Class: Sound(s) & Society
Favourite Social Activity: Going for coffee
Favourite Study Space: Cozy chairs in Markin
My uLethbridge experience:
- My co-op work term has been the biggest confidence boost because I was finally able to recognize my unique skills and abilities
- Exceptional professors whose passion radiate in the classroom, have taught me how to think through things critically, which has served me a great deal
- Merging Animal Assisted Therapy and Art Therapy (HLSC3850) was the coolest course I've ever taken
- We are so lucky to attend a university that prioritizes liberal education
- I love being surrounded by so many aspirational academics - it's contagious!
Read more about Emily's uLethbridge experience: Emily Demyen (BA ’18) Uses her uLethbridge Experience to Create Belonging for Others
"Get to know your professors, and utilize their knowledge and experience. I would highly recommend doing an applied or independent study, or both. This way you can focus your learning and experiences on something you are passionate about."
Favourite Class: Concepts and Methods in the Study of Religion
Favourite Social Activity: Therapy dogs
Favourite Study Spot: Breakout rooms in the Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Volunteered for Lethbridge Family Services: Immigrant Services, working with the Bhutanese seniors of Lethbridge on a gardening project
- Working with our on-campus mental health educator to plan and implement stress reduction activities for students, along with educational individuals about mental health issues
- Dr. Mather has guided and inspired me on my educational path, in a very supportive and compassionate manner
- Being able to contact and meet with professors who will spend time answering questions and supporting you in your future goals makes all the difference
- I was able to complete two independent studies. This is an excellent way to study something you are passionate about that may not be offered in any other class
"If you are even a little curious about research or lab work in any field, get involved early. The learning curve is steep, but the opportunities that it generates is amazing. It will help you in class, with networking, and develop skills that may not be addressed in class, such as public speaking. I have learned more valuable skills from research work than I have from my classes."
Favourite Class: Bioenergetics and Metabolism
Favourite Social Activity: Welcome BBQ
Favourite Study Spot: Pool Viewing Area
My uLethbridge experience:
- Biochem research at uLethbridge in Grade 11 - Heritage Youth Researcher Summer (HYRS) program
- High School International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) team (student & instructor)
- Started a biotechnology company and won two local business plan competitions
- Co-op work term bioengineering lab at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia
- Honours Thesis studying RNA modifications

"Prepare yourself for the most work you have ever done, but the most fun you will ever have!"
Favourite Class: Orientation to Teaching
Favourite Social Activity: Dirty Bingo
Favourite Study Spot: Library - 10th Level Armchairs
My uLethbridge experience:
- Co-op work term at a Wildlife Interpretation Centre in Creston, BC
- I have taken a ton of classes, from an Introduction to Music to Principles of Microbiology
- I have taken part in several clubs, like the Vocal Harmony Society and the Chemistry/Biochemistry Club
- U of L Conservatory Choirs, the Incanto Singers
- Volunteered as a Student Advisor for the High School iGEM team
Cross-Cultural Educator. Blackfoot Guardian. Musician.
"Before class one begins locate your support systems, and see what they can do for you; always know that every uLethbridge staff (& graduate student) wants to see you succeed and do great things!"
Favourite Class: History of Rock and Roll (1 & 2)
Favourite Social Activity: Native American Awareness Week
Favourite Study Spot: Urban Market
My uLethbridge experience:
- Sustainable future for my Blackfoot heritage through critical analysis of academic and non-academic work involving Indigenous people
- Enriched creative and artistic interests through academic insight
- Enlightened and incredibly encouraged to see the potential of many new undergraduate students and have been proud to see them continue and succeed, especially the FNMI students!
- I am happy to see the uLethbridge begin to incorporate FNMI values and beliefs into all sectors of the uLethbridge campus and community and include the FNMI community in future development
- I am so proud that whenever the President (or higher admin) begin all public addresses they begin with an acknowledgment that the “uLethbridge sits upon Traditional Blackfoot Territory”
“It’s never too early to get involved! Take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the university. Don’t just stop at going to classes. Get involved with research and volunteering and Co-op and clubs; take your degree beyond the classroom! And explore classes you’re interested in, even if they’re out of your comfort zone. I loved taking French classes, even though my major is neuroscience.”
Favourite Class: Survey of English Literature I
Favourite Social Activity: Anything with the French Club
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- 3 years of research experience as an undergraduate student; presented at national conferences; all while leading my very own project!
- The classes were small, which let me get to know my profs
- The co-op program makes it so easy to make connections and get to know people working in your field
- Running the French Club was such a fun experience!
- I got to teach a French lab as an undergraduate!
“Be adventurous and make sure to explore all the possibilities of who you could be by taking classes that intrigue you, joining clubs to meet like-minded people and/or volunteering with a group whose work sparks you.”
Favourite Class: Queering Gender, Feminism and Power
Favourite Social Activity: Grabbing a tea with a friend between classes
Favourite Study Spot: At home, with my puppy on my lap
My uLethbridge experience:
- Studying in the Philippines for a month with Dr. Glenda Bonifacio on a Women & Gender Studies field course
- Attending the Music at Noon series as a study break
- Creating lasting connections with professors because of small class sizes
- Volunteering with the Campus Women’s Centre
- Going out to social dances hosted by the Swing Bridge Dance Club
"Get to know your professors and their research. It will help with independent studies, an undergraduate thesis or summer work."
Favourite Class: Any Remote Sensing Courses
Favourite Social Activity: Club Activities
Favourite Study Spot: Library, 9th Floor
My uLethbridge experience:
- Undergraduate thesis & national conferences
- Independent study
- Co-op work terms (3) particularly the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing
- Class projects & GLERS
- Will be the first uLethbridge student to graduate with a degree in remote sensing
“The university years are supposed to be the best times of your life - so take advantage of them! Not only are you in your prime, but you have the freedom to discover yourself and express yourself on your terms.”
Favourite Class: Rhetoric with Dr. Wendy Faith
Favourite Social Activity: Any literature-based activity hosted by the English Students’ Society
Favourite Study Spot: The cubicles on the 11th floor of the library — so quiet and hardly ever at full capacity!
My uLethbridge experience:
- Being able to write, edit, and contribute to multiple campus publications, including The Meliorist and Whetstone
- Leading clubs such as the English Students’ Society and Pre-Law Society, and being able to make many friends and memories as a result
- Winning the SSHRC and doing research on the sensational aesthetics of Ghanaian market literature with Dr. Esther de Bruijn
"Get involved with research as soon as you can through independent or applied studies."
Favourite Class: Human Physiology - Jennifer Copeland
Favourite Social Activity: Gym
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- CCBN, EAE research project (mouse model of MS looking at behavioural aspects) in Metz lab
- MS Society co-op work term
- Lethbridge Research Centre, investigating emerging pathogenic E. coli subtypes
- CRH, volunteering in hospital gift shop (pre-med club help me find the connection)
- Coaching CanSkate
"Study hard. Work hard. Have fun. The work/life habits you form here will be a big part of what you bring into the world."
Favourite Class: Political Science (Canada-U.S. Relations)
Favourite Social Activity: Floor Hockey
Favourite Study Spot: Study Rooms in Markin
My uLethbridge experience:
- Co-op work term at Global Affairs Canada in Washington, D.C.
- Member of the Political Science Students Association
- Member of the International Students Association
- I love to volunteer when I can and have helped at animal shelters in Lethbridge and with charity events in my hometown
"Get involved in lots of different things!"
Favourite Class: Performing any sort of research
Favourite Social Activity: Rotaract
Favourite Study Spot: Home
My uLethbridge experience:
- Opportunities to perform and publish my research early on in my undergrad degree
- Travel within Canada and internationally to present my research and learn
- Developing leadership skills
- Making a difference in the world through being involved in the Rotaract club
- Forging many valuable connections throughout all the opportunities I have had at uLethbridge
Read more about Katie's uLethbridge experience:
Gold medal winner Dr. Katie Wilson (BSc Co-op '13, PhD '19) blends research with travel
“Get involved with local clubs, meet your faculty and explore campus, challenge yourself to go outside your comfort zone!”
Favourite Class: Feminist Theory
Favourite Social Activity: Volunteering at the Campus Women’s Centre
Favourite Study Spot: With friends at a local coffee shop
My uLethbridge experience:
- The campus has really been a unique experience, I have grown so much through my feminist degree
- I am enjoying curating my education with Independent and Applied Studies classes — very exciting!
- Volunteering has been a positive force in my education process and I highly recommend getting involved
- The Women & Gender Studies faculty members have gone above and beyond in supporting my education — I hope everyone gets a chance to take at least WGST 1000!
- I have met so many talented, empowering friends on campus
“Be flexible, and seize every opportunity to try and learn something new. Don’t let fear or insecurities hold you back from gaining a new experience.”
Favourite Class: Invertebrate Zoology
Favourite Social Activity: Climbing
Favourite Study Spot: A ninth floor library cubicle with a computer
My uLethbridge experience:
- The University of Lethbridge has been really formative
- Hard work but rewarding
- I met a great group of friends
- I gained a lot of opportunities and experiences through attending the University of Lethbridge
- Your university experience is what you make of it
Read more about Leah's uLethbridge experience: With Empathy, Diligence & Drive, Three Alumni Follow their Passion to Medical School
“Take advantage of every opportunity the University offers, whether it is independent studies, research opportunities, co-op, clubs or intermural sports. Four years goes by very quickly so I would recommend participating in as much as you can to make the most of it!”
Favourite Class: The Western World - it got me interested in history!
Favourite Social Activity: Soccer Intramurals
Favourite Study Spot: Bottom floor of the library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Participating in co-op work terms at Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- Being a member of the University of Lethbridge women’s pronghorn soccer team for three seasons
- Having the opportunity to work as a research assistant to professors in the history and women & gender studies departments
- Completing an honours thesis
- Going on to complete my MA with Dr. Heidi MacDonald in the Department of History
“Get to know your professors and take advantage of the vast opportunities presented to you.”
Favourite Class: Epidemiology
Favourite Social Activity: Tea breaks
Favourite Study Spot: Home
My uLethbridge experience:
- Co-op term in a biochemistry lab
- Student Mentor
- Travelled to Toronto for a chemistry conference
- Undergraduate lab assistant
- Undergraduate Thesis studying DNA damage
"Plan your time wisely. Don't be afraid to fight for what you want. Get involved in tons of activities."
Favourite Class: Advanced Computer Mapping
Favourite Social Activity: Fresh Fest
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Chinese Students & Scholars Association (CSSA) - Terms as Vice-President and President; Chinese Festival & meeting with dignitaries
- International rep for SU - food bank, clothing drives, etc.
- Co-op work terms (4) at Ag. Canada (Ottawa) and locally-led to 2 grad offers and meeting my wife
- Exchange to Germany exploring German engineering, business and learning the language
- Applied Study as a Co-op Ambassador Social Media
“Concentrate on reading your material, get to know your instructors and professors, and devote a lot of time to your studies and you will succeed!”
Favourite Class: All of them
Favourite Social Activity: Organizing and participating in the FNMI alumni chapter events and activities
Favourite Study Spot: Indigenous Studies area and Starbucks area
My uLethbridge experience:
- Exciting content in studies
- Getting acquainted with faculty and students
- Meeting the new Indigenous students
- Making more non-Indigenous friends
- Working as a teaching assistant
"University is not a competition, so don’t be afraid to ask for help."
Favourite Class: An Anthrophology Class about Community
Favourite Social Activity: WUSC Local Committee
Favourite Study Spot: Library breakout rooms
My uLethbridge experience:
- WUSC Local Committee Student Refugee Program Executive
- Co-op work term on the Raising Spirit Opokaa’sin Digital Library Project
- Co-op work terms producing films about happiness in co-housing communities
- Applied Study and Research Assistant positions
- Presentations at Religious Studies, Child & Youth, and Anthropology conferences
Learn more about Mikey's uLethbridge experience:
Mikey Lewis (BA ‘20) Encourages Students to Work Together to Make a Difference
“Good intentions are just that: good intentions. You should really try to stay on top of everything and develop a system that works for you. I can attest that having good intentions to get those readings done today can turn into them being put off and soon a week has passed. Especially try to get involved in student club life. I can truly say that I have met and made quite an amazing group of friends from the people that I have met there. Apply for Co-op! It may take some patience and hard work, but the opportunities that you do find will definitely pay off in the end.”
Favourite Class: Anything language-related
Favourite Social Activity: Sitting around, drinking tea and having a good chat
Favourite Study Spot: Outside the Starbucks or in the Modlang student room (B-586)
My uLethbridge experience:
- Participating in student club life to various extents
- Travelled abroad to study a different culture and language up close through a study tour program
- Opportunity to work with professors on fascinating research
- Explored and learned through independent study
- Meeting students from different countries through courses and volunteering; learning more about them & their cultures
“University is a lot more than attending classes and getting your degree; it’s an opportunity to meet people you would normally never would, learn new things, and get a new perspective on life.”
Favourite Class: Biochemistry classes and Independent Studies
Favourite Social Activity: Object Manipulation Club
Favourite Study Spot: The Library, Fine Arts Building or Secret Places
My uLethbridge experience:
- The amazing faculty in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
- The unique and supportive friends I’ve met during my studies
- Discovering the wonderful world of Mathematical Biology
- Summer research with Dr. Marc Roussel
- My first publication (with Dr. René Boeré) and Research Scholarship (CIHR Summer Studentship with Dr. Marc Roussel and Dr. Nehalkumar Thakor)
“The first year is really tough. Stick with it. Getting here is the hardest part, after that, you just have to make the commitment to do the work and decide you want to be successful.”
Favourite Class: History of Post Secondary Education in Canada
Favourite Social Activity: Attending Horns home games
Favourite Study Spot: At home with my dog
My uLethbridge experience:
- BA undergraduate in History
- Current MA student in History at the U of L
- Three time Athlete of the Year
- Supervisor and favourite prof Dr. Heidi MacDonald
"Ask lots of questions and enjoy all of the moments."
Favourite Class: Physics of Remote Sensing
Favourite Social Activity: Soccer
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Obtained International Doctoral Training degree from University of Brussels, Belgium in 2015
- Winner of Alberta Innovates Scholarship for my research 2013-2016
- Member of GSA soccer team and champions SP16
- More than 30 hours of Volunteer Science Talk
- Winner of several international poster awards and being an Invited Speaker in 2 international Physics conferences
"Get involved with research early in your degree."
Favourite Class: Proteins, Enzymes and Nucleic Acids
Favourite Social Activity: Barbecues
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- I completed my BSc in biochemistry
- I am currently working towards my MSc in biochemistry
- Completed two independent studies and won a Chinook Summer Research Award (2015) and an NSERC USRA (2016)
- Completed an honours thesis
- Won awards at a conference attending by RNA scientists across Western Canada
"Get to know your professors. Take advantage of office hours and don't be afraid to ask for help - that's what they are there for."
Favourite Class: Introduction to Modern Literature and Literary Analysis
Favourite Social Activity: Grabbing coffee with friends between classes
Favourite Study Spot: Level 9 of the Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Completing 6 Co-op work terms
- Being involved with/being on the executive team of clubs
- Having the opportunity to do an independent study
- Attending Pronghorns basketball games
- Taking a multidisciplinary degree, which allowed me to study a variety of subjects

"Be yourself! Amidst all the newness of your university experiences, be patient while growing into your new environment and find your support system. Also, don't forget to do something that recharges your batteries and brings you a smile!"
Favourite Class: Contemporary Canadian Drama
Favourite Social Activity: Attending Fine Arts Events
Favourite Study Spot: By the Windows in the Curr Lab
My uLethbridge experience:
- Worked as a student marker for the Department of Modern Languages
- The Modern Languages Film and Speaker Series
- Participated in private piano and voice lessons
- Positive PSI experience in the Faculty of Education
- Appreciated small class sizes in more advanced courses as well as instructor availability for one-on-one meetings
“University is about more than the classes you take — take advantage of opportunities to volunteer in the community, build relationships with your professors, and find out what excites and motivates you.”
Favourite Class: Body and Society and Human Rights and Political Economies
Favourite Social Activity: Grabbing coffee between classes with friends
Favourite Study Spot: The Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Volunteering on and off-campus
- Working as a research assistant with Dr. Suzanne Lenon
- Getting involved in social justice activism and advocacy
- Opportunities to pursue my own research interests and passions
- An applied study, an independent study, and an undergraduate honours thesis
"Don't dream little, dream big! I was always told by my family members to take on one day at a time so that when that big dream becomes reality, it will all be worthwhile!"
Favourite Class: Sports Management
Favourite Social Activity: Native Awareness Week
Favourite Study Spot: Library
My uLethbridge experience:
- FNTP was a welcoming intro to the university community
- Through the FNTP I was able to gain the confidence that even though it's a university I know I can do it
- Recipient of an NSERC award (worked with Jon Doan in kinesiology); opened my eyes to research
- Taking ED 2500 was a wonderful experience; makes me that much more excited to strive to become a teacher
- Collaborative project with uLethbridge and the Piikani Nation; rewarding personally and academically