The Neurosciences, rehabilitation, and Vision (NRV) Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) Scientific Office of Alberta Health Services (AHS) supports and provides training and mentorship opportunities to increase capacity in NRV-related research accross ALberta. An efficient strategy to increase research capacity involves engagement of undergraduate students from a variety of health-related disciplines in research projects at early stages in their academic training.
The NRV SCN Summer Studentship Awards Program is designed to provde funding support to undergraduate students to participate and develop research skills applied to an area in neuroscinces, rehabilitation or vision research relevant to the NRV SCN strategic goals. This capacity-building initiative will support trainees twoards the generation of evidence to drive decision-making, ongoing health care system improvement and sustainability.
When considering applicants, the review process will consider the follwoing criteria:
- Studentship applicants must be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student in an undergraduate program at an approved post-secondary academic instituion. Students need not be enrolled in an Alberta instituion to be eligible; however, the summer research activities must be completed in Alberta.
- The area of proposed research must be related to neurosciences, rehabilitation or vision.
- The proposed research must directly advance the Transformational Roadmap of the NRV SCN
- Candidates must be supervised or co-supervised by a faculty member at one of ALberta's academic instituions. Supervisors must clearly demonostrate a rich environment for student training and links with the NRV SCN.
- Holders of other full-time, major studentship awards (e.g. CIHR, NSERC, AIHS, etc.) are inelgible for NRV SCN Summer Studentship Awards
February 28, 2022: Application due
March 31, 2022: Notification of awards
The Scientific Office of the NRV SCN will receive applications for the 2022 competition using the application form at the bottom of this page. Completed application will be emailed in PDF form to:
Dr. Kiran Pohar Manhas, JD, PhD
Assistant Scientific Director
Neurosciences, Rehabilitation & Vision Strategic Clinical Network
See Full Eligibility & Application Details