Crohn's and Colitis Canada invites applications for an Innovations Grant, to fund novel or innovative approaches to IBD research. This grant is intended to stimulate and support research which may not be encompassed within the boundaries of traditional medical research. Research proposals must conform to sound principles of research and may aim to collect pilot data for follow-on application(s). Our organization seeks mission relevance and excellence as well as innovation.
Postdoctoral fellows or investigators who hold an academic appointment at a Canadian University in a Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine or other Graduate Caculty are eligible to apply to Chron's and Colitis Canada as principal investigaor for grant support of their research. The research proposed must have a clear connection to Chron's and Colitis Canada's Promist Statement. Principal Investigators must reside in Canada to apply for fudning. Co-Principal Investigators based outside of Canada are acceptable.
If an applicant does not hold an academic appointment at the time of submitting an applicaiton, a cover letter from the Dean of the Faculty must be uploaded to the applicatoin, indiciating the planned psoition and the date it will take effect. Investigators in Faculties other than the health sciences may also apply if the proposed research is deemed relevant to Chron's and Colitis Canada's Promist and startegic direcitons.
Support for qualified undergraduate and graduate students within the operating budget is permissable.
January 17, 2022: Full applications due
See Full Eligibility & Application Details