Feminist Response and Recovery Fund

We may submit only one application for funding in this call for proposals.

The Government of Canada has released a call for proposals for the Feminist Response and Recovery Fund. The objective of this call for proposals is to fund eligible organizations to support a feminist response and recovery from the current impacts of COVID-19, particularly for underrepresented women, through systemic change projects across the Women’s Program three priority areas.

Key action areas

In this call for proposals, the Department is supporting projects that seek to address gender inequality for women through one or more of the following action areas that touch upon elements within a system:

  • Advancing inclusive policies and practices: Address sexism and other barriers to gender equality at the organizational, governmental, legislative and sectoral levels through the creation, modification or the removal of policies and practices
  • Encouraging more effective and equitable sharing of resources: Address how key resources such as knowledge, information and funding are shared, mobilized and redistributed to address barriers to equality
  • Increasing networks and collaboration to accelerate systemic change: Build and strengthen partnerships to work across sectors and break down silos, with an aim to increase the reach, impact and sustainability of gender equality efforts
  • Supporting positive distribution of authority, voices and decision-making power: Address unequal power structures to ensure those directly affected by gender inequality and with lived experiences are part of the dialogue and solution
  • Addressing persistent harmful gender norms and attitudes: Challenge standard beliefs and assumptions (e.g. stereotypes) on how people should think and act based on their gender and other intersecting identity factors

It is not necessary for projects to address all of the elements noted above, but rather to find and tackle those that will lead to meaningful change. Projects funded under this call for proposals will serve as building blocks toward systemic change and will lay the groundwork for future efforts to advance women’s equality.


See Full Eligibility Details

Agency Name
Government of Canada
Contact Name
Emma Dering
Grant Amount
$300,000 - $700,000
Grant Location
External Deadline
Internal Deadline
Grant Type
Grant Area
Social Science
Grant Eligibility