Emergency Strategic Clinical Network (ESCN) Studentship Call 2022

The Emergency Strategic Clinical Network Summer Studentship Award (ESCN-SSA) is designed to foster research interest in emergency medicine and related disciplines among students at the undergraduate level of study. It is the ESCN goal that this experience will stimulate an interest in acute care research or clinical practice in emergency medicine (i.e., nurse, physician, EMS, allied health professional) and related disciplines (e.g., public health, social sciences, etc.). The award will fund up to 5 summer students and offers $6000 per student over 4 months between May and August 2022.

This Summer Studentship Award competition will serve to build research capacity within various domains of emergency medicine (e.g., medicine, nursing, pediatric emergency medicine, health services delivery, social determinants of health, disaster planning, allied health professionals).  Through the results of the proposed research projects conducted by the students, this competition will advance priorities of relevance to the ESCN mandate including those related to the ESCN Transformational Roadmap or emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative will also improve the quality of emergency medicine care delivery within the Health Quality Council of Alberta’s six domains of quality: appropriateness, accessibility, effectiveness, efficiency, safety, and acceptability. The ESCN Studentship Award is further intended to support equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in research by supporting consideration of EDI in all research projects, and supporting high quality research on EDI.


  • Studentship applicants must be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student in an undergraduate program at an approved post-secondary academic institution;
  • The area of proposed research must be related to emergency medicine; Candidates must be supervised or co-supervised by a faculty member at one of Alberta’s academic institutions;
  • Holders of other full-time, major studentship awards (e.g. CIHR, NSERC, etc.) are ineligible for ESCN Studentship awards;
  • Each supervisor may have a maximum of two summer students sponsored by the competition. If there are sufficient applications, the number of awards will be limited to 1 per supervisor, and priority will be given to the highest rated applicant.
  • Students previously funded by the ESCN summer studentship competition will not be eligible.

If you have any questions, please send them to emergency.scn@ahs.ca.

See Full Eligibility & Application Details

Agency Name: 
Alberta Health Services
Contact Name: 
Grant Amount: 
$1500/mo for a maximum of 4 months
Grant Location: 
External Deadline: 
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Grant Type: 
Grant Area: 
Grant Eligibility: 