Global Affairs Canada and the Chinese Ministry of Education are offering short-term scholarships to Canadians wishing to pursue post-secondary academic study, research or Chinese language training or a combination of these activities at participating Chinese institutions. Scholarships are awarded for academic study, research, Chinese language training or a combination of these activities. Scholarships are not to be used towards a degree in China.
Scholarships are tenable at Chinese institutions that admit scholarship recipients of the Chinese Government Scholarship. These institutions are marked by an asterisk (*) in the list of participating Chinese institutions.
The scholarship is tenable between September 2022 and August 2023.
Candidates must:
- be Canadian citizens;
- be either:
- a full-time teaching or research staff at a post-secondary or research institution in Canada;
- a student enrolled in either a college, undergraduate or graduate program at Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada; or
- a mid-career professional from a Canadian government, media or cultural organization, or a national education association, who has a graduate (Master's or doctoral) degree and has had managerial, policy development or decision making responsibilities within this organization for at least three years;
- have achieved the required level of written and spoken Chinese by the host institution in China, if applicable;
- undertake studies in an approved subject area in a Chinese institution;
- not be seeking a degree in China;
- be under 45 years of age if applying under the “General Scholar” category of the China Scholarship Council (CSC); and
- be under 50 years of age if applying under the “Senior Scholar” category of the CSC.
Please note that employees of the Government of Canada’s departments and agencies (including those on leave), although eligible for this scholarship, are not eligible for the travel benefit funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD).
January 20, 2022: Application deadline
February 22, 2022: Pre-selection contact
June 2022: Final selection
See Full Eligibility & Application Details