The Arthritis Society | Stars Career Development Award

The Stars Career Development award has been created to firmly establish the career of early career investigators. This salary and research funding represents a three (3) year commitment by the Arthritis Society, together with an additional three (3) year commitment by the applicant’s Host Institution.  The program is intended to promote creativity in all domains of arthritis-related research responsive to the Arthritis Society’s strategic priorities. Applicants should review the Arthritis Society’s new Strategic Plan 2020-2025: Accelerating Impact - Research Strategy which aims to identify research avenues that focus on areas of highest priority to patients and achieve the highest levels of scientific excellence and rigour.


To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • Be an eligible Principal Investigator as defined by the Arthritis Society;
  • Be within 5 years of their first academic appointment and within 10 years of their most recent graduate or health professional degree (or equivalent, in a field such as medicine, dentistry, rehabilitation sciences, nursing, pharmaceutical studies, veterinary medicine, etc.) at the time of the application deadline. Candidates who have a firm offer of an academic appointment effective before the award start date are also acceptable;
  • Be a Canadian citizen or resident of Canada at the time of application with a position at an eligible Canadian Host Institution;
  • Have a commitment from their Host Institution* from the Faculty Dean or Research Director that includes: Institutional support (suitable lab/research space, resources and support, etc.); a minimum of 80% protected research time for the duration of the award; 3 additional years of equivalent research and salary support (at an appropriate rank and salary beyond the term of this award) as well as adequate infrastructure and physical space;
  • Not hold other funding support of a similar nature and goals (i.e. recipients of salary awards and operating grants aimed at establishing their research program and/or advancing their career development as of the funding start date are not eligible to apply). These include, but are not limited to, Canada Research Chair awards, province-specific establishment grants, early career institutional chair awards and early career investigator operating grants.
  • Additional information is available in this FAQ.


Online Research Grants Portal open: April 5, 2021
Abstract registration deadline: May 26, 2021, 5:00 PM ET 
Research Grants Portal open for full application: May 27, 2021
Full Application deadline: July 12, 2021, 5:00 PM ET
Notification of decision: Mid-December 2021
Funding start date: January 1, 2022

See Full Eligibility and Application Details

Agency Name: 
The Arthritis Society
Contact Name:
Grant Amount: 
$125,000/yr for up to 3yrs
Grant Location: 
External Deadline: 
Monday, July 12, 2021
Internal Deadline: 
Monday, July 5, 2021
Grant Type: 
Grant Area: 
Grant Eligibility: 