2024 NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) Grants Program -- EOI

NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) grants foster and enhance the discovery, innovation, and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering by supporting the purchase of research equipment.


In addition to NSERC’s Eligibility Criteria for faculty, applicants and co-applicants must each currently hold or be applying for one of the following NSERC research grants at the time of application: Discovery Grant; Discovery Development Grant; Alliance Grant; Strategic Partnerships Grant; Collaborative Research and Development Grants; Industrial; Research Chairs Grant; Canada Research Chairs; Canada Excellence Research Chairs; and/or Canada 150 Research Chairs.

EOI Requirements:
  • NSERC RTI EOI Template: The applicant will develop a preliminary list of equipment needs using the attached EOI template (Appendix A): includes a detailed listing of any (cash and in-kind)contributions from other funding sources (i.e., faculty, university, and industry contributions) committed toward the purchase of the equipment as would be included in the NSERC RTI application. The information provided should be sufficiently detailed to inform key support units of any potential risks/concerns/red flags related to procurement, rental, timeline to implement, and technological support.
  • The Space Request Information Form (Appendix B), if applicable.
  • Send the document(s) in PDF format to Esther Ekpe Adewuyi (oris.nserc@uleth.ca) no later than August 1st.

RTI Grants Proposal Development and Submission
The submitted EOIs will be shared with key support units as needed. The appropriate unit (s) will identify potential risks and/or costs associated with the proposed requests. They will then provide relevant information to be shared with the applicant to incorporate into their proposals and any additional financial needs related to their requests. The applicant is strongly encouraged to seek matching/additional funds through established processes such as the Matching Funds.

The final proposals submitted to NSERC will adhere to NSERC’s guidelines and policies and institutional procedures and policies. Further discussions with key support units will occur as needed.

Agency Name: 
Contact Name: 
Esther Ekpe Adewuyi
Grant Amount: 
$7,001 to $150,000
Grant Location: 
Internal Deadline: 
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Grant Type: 
Grant Area: 
Natural Science
Grant Eligibility: 