2021/2022 Agriculture Funding Consortium Call for Proposals

Agriculture Funding Consortium (AFC) would like to notify researchers that the 2021/2022 AFC call for proposals will close on April 9, 2021 at 23:59. This is an exciting opportunity for researchers in the crop, livestock and food industry to submit research proposals for funding consideration.

The Agriculture Funding Consortium is a network of Alberta and Saskatchewan livestock and crop research funders. For more information about this virtual organization and the members, visit the website at https://www.fundingconsortium.ca/  

Letters of Intent are only accepted through the online system that can be accessed at https://www.fundingconsortium.gov.ab.ca/. You will be required to log in to access the call and prepare your Letter of Intent for submission.

Applicants are encouraged to review the research priority documents available on the AFC website (or the websites of the member organizations) and review the eligibility of project activities and expenses before submitting their LOIs. Discussing your project idea with the relevant industry organization/association participating in the AFC is encouraged prior to submission of the LOI.

If you have any questions related to this call or the consortium, please send an email to info@fundingconsortium.ca. 


The applicant and the project team may be comprised of qualified researchers from the following types of organizations:

a. Provincial governmentsand their public agencies;
b. Federal government and federal crown corporations;
c. Non-profit research institutions;
d. Academic institutions, including universities, colleges, and technical schools;e.Industry associations serving the agriculture, food and beverageindustry;
f. Existing or prospective companies and supply chainpartners that can increase the value and sales of Alberta products;
g. Other researchinstitutions, firms or enterprises approved by the members of the AFC.

See Guidelines for Full Eligibility

Submit Letter of Intent

Agency Name: 
Agrigulture Funding Consortium
Contact Name: 
Brandie Lea
Grant Amount: 
Grant Location: 
External Deadline: 
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Internal Deadline: 
Friday, April 9, 2021
Grant Type: 
Grant Area: 
Natural Science
Grant Eligibility: 