The Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship has been created in memory of neuroscientist Dr. Hubert van Tol. The travel fellowship is funded by the generous support of the Seger-van Tol family and Brain Canada.The student or fellow will be selected on a competitive basis by an expert committee established by Brain Canada.
Brain Canada and the Seger-van Tol family recognize that the pandemic has made traveling difficult and near impossible. Despite this, we are pleased to offer the Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship this year in order to exceptionally support the virtual attendance of awardees to an international conference/symposium or training course.
Open to all doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows affiliated to a Canadian Institution performing research as part of a team that has received a Brain Canada grant. Trainees that currently hold a Capacity Building Grant from Brain Canada, which includes a career development supplement, are not eligible to apply.
See Full Eligibility Details & Application Procedure