Funding database

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Grant Title Deadline Summary
Respiratory Health - MSCN Summer Studentship Award 2021 Deadline Passed
(March 15, 2021)
Completed applications must be send electronically in PDF formal to Marni Armstrong at no later than March 15, 2021 by 4:00 p.m. EST. Successful applications will be notified...
Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in Canada Deadline Passed
(March 31, 2021)
Encouraging vaccine confidence in Canada PromoScience grants support organizations with strong track records of science and/or health promotion to deliver evidence-based, vaccine-promoting...
WCB Research Program Deadline Passed
(April 2, 2021)
Our research program encourages scientific exploration into topics applicable to workers' compensation. We provide funding to high-quality research projects which address some of the pressing issues...
Strategic Operating Grants | Arthritis Society Deadline Passed
(April 5, 2021)
The Strategic Operating Grant (SOG) program provides funding to support research proposals aligned with the Arthritis Society's priorities.  The Arthritis Society’s new Strategic Plan 2020-2025:...
Protein Industries Canada Call for Capacity Building Projects Deadline Passed
(April 5, 2021)
Protein Industries Canada is looking for ambitious, consortium-driven projects to elevate Canada’s plant-based food ecosystem. Protein Industries Canada is currently seeking proposals in four...
RDAR Call for Proposals 2021 Deadline Passed
(April 8, 2021)
RDAR is funding agricultural research that will drive real benefits for producers in the barn and on the field. Researchers can count on RDAR to provide predictable funding for leading-edge...
2021/2022 Agriculture Funding Consortium Call for Proposals Deadline Passed
(April 9, 2021)
Agriculture Funding Consortium (AFC) would like to notify researchers that the 2021/2022 AFC call for proposals will close on April 9, 2021 at 23:59. This is an exciting opportunity for researchers...
CAAIF Research Fellowship in Type 2 Inflammation Deadline Passed
(April 19, 2021)
Supported by Sanofi Genzyme Canada. The objective CAAIF Research Fellowship in Type 3 Inflammation is to: Increase Canadian research capacity in the area of Type 3 Inflammation Support the...
Scholarships for the Next Generation of Scientists 2021 Competition Deadline Passed
(April 21, 2021)
The Scholarships for the Next Generation of Scientists is a Cancer Research Society funding program with the goal of supporting upcoming young cohorts of Canadian researchers. The award consists of...
Removing nitrogen from urban stormwater runoff Deadline Passed
(April 23, 2021)
Oldcastle Infrastructure is seeking technologies to remove nitrogen from urban stormwater runoff.   Nutrient pollution is a widespread and challenging problem in urban stormwater management....
Managing organization (hub) for responsible artifical intelligence in agriculture and food systems in Africa Deadline Passed
(April 26, 2021)
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) invite expressions of interest from individual organizations, or consortia of...
Brain Canada | Quebec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM) Deadline Passed
(May 19, 2021)
Together with the Quebec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM), Brain Canada is pleased to share an upcoming funding opportunity for Canadian researchers. CQDM’s Quantum Leap pharma-led funding...
CAAIF Top 10 Challenge Food Allergy Research Grant Deadline Passed
(May 24, 2021)
The Canadian Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) is a charitable foundation whose mission is to invest in research leading to new and better treatments that improve the lives of...
Huntington Society of Canada NAVIGATOR Research Competition Deadline Passed
(May 24, 2021)
The long standing Navigator Research Program supports HD researchers across Canada. This program supports basic scientific research of direct and immediate relevance to Huntington Disease in Canada...
CAAIF Research Fellowship in Immunology - Supported by Takeda Canada Deadline Passed
(May 24, 2021)
The objectives of the CAAIF Research Fellowship in Immunology are to: Increase Canadian research related to Clinical Immunology, Support the research career of promising researchers, and Produce...
CAAIF - Miravo Healthcare Research Grant in Allergic Rhinitis or Urticaria Deadline Passed
(May 24, 2021)
The Canadian Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) is a charitable foundation whose mission is to invest in research leading to new and better treatments that improve the lives of...
Parkland Institute Faculty Research Award Deadline Passed
(May 31, 2021)
Parkland Institute is an Alberta-wide, non-partisan research centre situated within the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta. Parkland Institute studies economic, social, cultural, and...
Campus Alberta Neuroscience Entrepreneurship Seed Grant Deadline Passed
(June 22, 2021)
The Campus Alberta Neuroscience (CAN) EntrepreneurshipSeed Grant is a foundational pillar of CAN’s Entrepreneurship Program that provides funding and collaborative support for early-stage...
Brain Canada Foundation | Advancing Research on Care and Outcome Measurement (ARCOM) Deadline Passed
(June 22, 2021)
Brain Canada is pleased to be partnering with Alzheimer’s Association (ALZ) to jointly launch the Advancing Research on Care and Outcome Measurement (ARCOM) funding program, an international and...
Innovation Grants | Arthritis Society Deadline Passed
(June 23, 2021)
This program encourages bold attempts to test novel hypotheses and/or generate new knowledge and/or improvements related to prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and support; therefore, while...
Accelerating Innovations into CarE Concepts Program Deadline Passed
(June 23, 2021)
This opportunity serves to advance early-stage health research that demonstrates high commercial potential in priority areas of precision health.  This call specifically seeks to apply computational...
CHARGE Syndrome Foundation | Scientific Research Grant Deadline Passed
(June 24, 2021)
The CHARGE Syndrome Foundation, Inc. announces the availability of scientific research grants of up to $50,000 each. The purpose of these grants is to promote: a) new biomedical research into the...
Cancer Research Society and Ovarian Cancer Canada Deadline Passed
(June 29, 2021)
The Cancer Research Society and Ovarian Cancer Canada are proud to jointly launch a competition to fund some of Canada’s most promising research projects focused on ovarian cancer. The competition...
Canadian Glycomics | GlycoNet 2022 Grant Competition Deadline Passed
(July 1, 2021)
The Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) is a Network of Centres of Excellence that focuses on the role of glycans in health. Areas of focus for GlycoNet in Cycle II (2020–2024) are cancer, chronic...
The Arthritis Society | Stars Career Development Award Deadline Passed
(July 5, 2021)
The Stars Career Development award has been created to firmly establish the career of early career investigators. This salary and research funding represents a three (3) year commitment by the...
2021 Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship Deadline Passed
(July 5, 2021)
The Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship has been created in memory of neuroscientist Dr. Hubert van Tol. The travel fellowship is funded by the generous support of the Seger-van Tol family and Brain...
Heart & Stroke New Investigator Award Deadline Passed
(July 22, 2021)
The New Investigator (NI) program is a salary award to support new investigators who have demonstrated excellence in their doctoral and post-doctoral training and wish to establish their own...
Accelerating Drug Discovery for Frontotemporal Degeneration Deadline Passed
(July 23, 2021)
The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) and the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) jointly announce that the Accelerating Drug Discovery for Frontotemporal Degeneration RFP ...
Knowledge Systhesis Competition Deadline Passed
(July 23, 2021)
The Scientific Office of Provincial Seniors Health and Continuing Care, Alberta Health Services, is providing funds for a Knowledge Synthesis Competition to enable the synthesis of research evidence...
Harrington Scholar Award | Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation Deadline Passed
(July 23, 2021)
Harrington Discovery Institute (HDI) at University Hospitals and the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announce a joint request for proposals for the 2021 ADDF-Harrington Scholar Award....
Cancer Screening Research and Innovation Opportunity (CSRIO) - Community Engagement Deadline Passed
(August 1, 2021)
The CSRIO Program has been designed to identify, develop, and implement solutions to improve cancer screening in underserved populations. At a population level, effective and efficient cancer...
Alberta Innovates Smart Agriculture and Food Automation And Digitalization Challenge (SAFDAC) Deadline Passed
(August 6, 2021)
The Alberta Innovates Smart Agriculture and Food Automation and Digitalization Challenge (SAFDAC) has launched. This Program supports projects that develop or advance technology solutions for broad...
Heart & Stroke Grant-in-Aid (GIA) Deadline Passed
(August 19, 2021)
The Grant-in-Aid (GIA) program provides operating funds to support important, pertinent, novel research in the areas of heart disease and stroke. GIA funding promotes research discovery, exploration...
Brain Canada-WBHI Expansion Grants: Considering Sex and Gender Program Deadline Passed
(August 25, 2021)
Women’s Brain Health Initiative (WBHI) and Brain Canada have joined forces to launch the first ever Brain Canada-WBHI Expansion Grants: Considering Sex and Gender Program, a new initiative to support...
Product Demonstration Program Deadline Passed
(August 31, 2021)
Accelerating Innnovations to Commercialization The Product Demonstration Program is designed to de-risk the commercialization process by providing funds and coaching to high potential, high growth...
CCS/CIHR-ICR Inititative in Primary Cancer Prevention Deadline Passed
(September 3, 2021)
Currently, nearly one in two Canadians will develop cancer during their lifetime and about one in four will die from their disease. However, risk factors, prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis...
JDRF Canada - Brain Canada Addressing Mental Health in Type 1 Diabetes Deadline Passed
(September 8, 2021)
The JDRF Canada –Brain Canada Addressing Mental Health in Type 1 Diabetes Team Grants aim to supportresearch on the development, validation, or implementation of interventions that address mental...
Canadian Cancer Society Challenge Grants Deadline Passed
(September 15, 2021)
The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is proud to launch a new funding program in support of cancer research across Canada. The Challenge grant program will support cancer research projects across the...
Health Canada's Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) Contribution Funding Deadline Passed
(September 17, 2021)
Health Canada's Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) provides contribution funding for projects that respond to drug and substance use issues in Canada. SUAP is seeking applications for...
New Frontiers in Research Fund | 2021 Innovative Approaches to Research in the Pandemic Context Deadline Passed
(September 17, 2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a documented disruptive effect on researchers’ ability to continue planned research activities, particularly community and field-based research. However, the pandemic...
Ataxia Canada Foundation Deadline Passed
(September 23, 2021)
A degenerative neuromuscular disease family which shortens life expectancy and is most often diagnose between the age of 5 to 15 years old. It deprives children and teenagers of their mobility and...
CAAIF | Immunodeficiency Canada Research Fellow/Early Investigator Award in Immunodeficiency Deadline Passed
(October 15, 2021)
The Canadian Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) is a charitable foundation whose mission is to invest in research leading to new and better treatments that improve the lives of...
Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network Competition (CAAIN) Deadline Passed
(October 15, 2021)
This $10-million competition launched October 1, 2021. It will remain open for applications until October 22, 2021, and is available to any Canadian agri-food researchers and/or innovators seeking...
Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction | Request for Proposals Deadline Passed
(October 22, 2021)
CCSA is seeking a contractor to conduct an international scan of population surveys that measure patterns of cannabis use and related behaviours (e.g., polysubstance use, driving after cannabis use...
BrightFocus Foundation | Alzheimer's Disease research Grants Deadline Passed
(October 24, 2021)
BrightFocus provides research funds for U.S. domestic as well as international researchers pursuing pioneering research leading to greater understanding, prevention, and treatment of Alzheimer's...
Alzheimer's Association | Clinician Scientist Fellowship Program Deadline Passed
(November 1, 2021)
The Alzheimer's Association recognizes the need to support the training of clinician scientists in Alzheimer's and all other dementias. For the purpose of this program, a clinician scientist is...
Partnership Development Grant Deadline Passed
(November 8, 2021)
Partnership Development Grants are expected to respond to the objectives of the Insight and/or the Connection program. They provide support over one to three years to teams/partnerships, led by a...
CAAIF | Avir Pharma Early Investigator Research Grant in Eosinophilic Esophagitis Deadline Passed
(November 8, 2021)
The Canadian Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) is a charitable foundation whose mission is to invest in research leading to new and better treatments that improve the lives of...
CIHR & SSHRC | Race, Gender and Diversity Initiative Deadline Passed
(November 8, 2021)
As stated in the Government of Canada’s Federal Budget 2021, “systemic racism and discrimination are a painful reality for too many people, especially for marginalized groups, including Indigenous,...
Brain Canada | Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Deadline Passed
(November 9, 2021)
Supported  by  the  Canada  Brain  Research  Fund,  the  purpose  of  the  Future  Leaders  in  Canadian  Brain Research  Grants  Program  is  to  accelerate  novel  and  transformative  research ...