The Department of History is pleased to announce the 2024 competition for the Joanne Helmer Research Fellowship is now open.
Joanne Helmer was a pioneering investigative journalist at the Lethbridge Herald between roughly 1975 and 2004. Notably, her Face-to-Face column was a series of interviews aimed at telling the stories of people across the political and cultural spectrum.
This Fellowship is open to any undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at the University of Lethbridge. The recipient of the first award, valued at $5000, will conduct a semester-long research project focused on the career of Joanne Helmer, the history of journalism, and feminism in southern Alberta. The recipient will share their research as a published article, blog, or in some other publicly-accessible format. The student should complete this Fellowship as an independent study or an applied study to receive academic credit for their research project.
Interested applicants should submit a 1-2 page proposal that provides a brief description of the intended project (after consultation with a faculty member from the Department of History & Religion who will serve as an advisor for their project). Applicants should also submit a 1 page bibliography, UofL transcript, and a CV or resume.
Submitting the Proposal: Submissions should be made in a Word document format and emailed to with the subject line Joanne Helmer Fellowship. In this email should be an indication of the semester in which the applicant would like to take up the award and the name of the faculty member who has agreed to act as supervisor.
Deadline for Application: February 28, 2024
Value of Award: $5000