FAQ for Current and Future Ukrainian Students
Financial Support & Tuition Information for Ukrainian Citizens with CUAET Status
2024-2025 Academic Year
As a current study permit student with Ukrainian citizenship, you will be charged the domestic tuition rate instead of the international tuition rate for the duration of your program, if you came to the university via the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program. You can access the tuition and student fees by clicking Undergraduate Tuition & Fees Estimate.
Prospective students joining the university in the 2024-2025 academic year through the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program will be charged the domestic tuition rate instead of the international tuition rate for the duration of their program. The University of Lethbridge is one of only a few universities in Canada to offer CUAET students domestic tuition rates, which is a 70-75% reduction, from the international tuition rates. The application fee will not be waived.
Incoming Ukrainian students will not be provided with additional need-based financial support to cover costs (including tuition, textbooks, living expenses, and other costs students may incur). Students may be eligible for other forms of financial support for which they qualify.
In order to confirm your CUAET status with the University of Lethbridge, please submit your Study Permit or any other document indicating your CUAET status to the Registrar’s Office by uploading the document as a supporting document with your application. Your CUAET designation must be noted on the submitted document at the point of application.
What is the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET)?
It is a special measure the Government of Canada has introduced to support the people of Ukraine. It offers Ukrainians and their family members free, extended temporary status and allows them to work, study and stay in Canada until it is safe for them to return home (IRCC, 2022).
Learn more by visiting the IRCC website.
Read about how uLethbridge welcomed Ukrainian students.
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