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Options available

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts & Science
  • Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education
  • Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Management


  • Lethbridge


Fall & Winter

Program description

The Department of Modern Languages & Linguistics offers instruction in three languages: French, Japanese and Spanish (beginner to advanced). Small class sizes, cutting-edge language-learning technology and the diverse expertise of our instructors ensure you’ll find studying languages to be a lively and satisfying experience.

In today's globalized context, students of modern languages are being prepared for membership in a global community that extends far beyond the boundaries of the English-speaking world. The study of modern languages is about far more than just learning how to communicate in another language. It’s about exploring other identities and values through language, literature, history and culture in a global community.

Today, French is an official language in almost 50 countries, including Canada. French is also an official language of the United Nations, the Red Cross, and many other international organizations, and is spoken by more than 200 million people on 5 continents. The growth of French Immersion in Canada—and the need for qualified teachers—speaks to the robust and increasing importance of French for our own country.

Students who study French will gain awareness of other cultures through courses in language, literature, and culture and civilization, and through academic and living experiences in francophone Canada or abroad.

Classes are taught in the language being studied; so, French courses are taught in French. You can specialize in one language or study a combination.

Off-campus study opportunities. All uLethbridge students can enjoy the life-changing experience of a study visit to Quebec or abroad. Recent examples include: France, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain and Japan. Course credit acquired at the host university may be transferable back to the University of Lethbridge. Our Off-Campus Study Coordinators can help you plan your experience.

Minors | Adding a minor to your degree is a great way to explore academic interests beyond your major. A minor is a set of courses comprising a secondary focus of interest. It is generally not related to your major. A minor may be required or optional. Pursue a second passion by adding a minor to your degree.

Honours thesis | If your GPA is high enough in your fourth year, you can opt to complete an undergraduate thesis course. This is an excellent opportunity for you to earn an “Honours Thesis” designation on your degree.

Experience learning | Our students have a number of experiential learning opportunities available to them including co-operative education, international exchanges, independent and applied studies as well as volunteer opportunities. uLethbridge is the only university in Alberta to offer co-operative education to all majors in the arts & sciences, at both the undergrad and grad level. Transfer students can head out on their first work term before ever stepping foot on campus! For example, many transfer students have completed a summer work term before starting classes in September.

Skills acquired | Studying languages and linguistics is one of the best ways to improve your ability to express yourself, orally or in writing, not only in your chosen language(s), but in English as well. You’ll also develop your ability to conduct research, your attention to detail and your analytical skills. You’ll broaden your understanding of the world and learn to think “globally,” rather than “locally.” All of these capabilities are highly sought after and can be applied to practically any working scenario.

Possible careers

Related fields. Your undergraduate degree allows you to pursue a career in many fields where languages are important, like:

  • French as a Second Language Instructor
  • French Research Agent
  • International Student Advisor
  • Museum Program Instructor
  • Library Science
  • Translation & Interpreting
  • Government
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Publishing
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Technical Writing
  • Terminology
  • ESL Instruction
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Localization
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Politics
  • Web Design, Blogging or Editing

Professional disciplines & graduate studies. In addition to grad school, your undergraduate degree provides an excellent foundation for education, law, journalism, speech language pathology and audiology. The University of Lethbridge’s School of Graduate Studies offers graduate programs, at the Master and Doctoral levels, spanning over 60 disciplines — so why not consider pursuing grad school right here in Lethbridge! Whether you choose to do your advanced studies at uLethbridge or another institution, know that your undergraduate degree has set you on the path to post-graduate success.

Admission requirements


​For admission, Canadian high school students in Alberta must have completed five of the following courses with a minimum 65% average across them:

This course
  • English Language Arts 30-1
Three of these courses
  • Aboriginal Studies 30
  • Art 30 or Art 31
  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 30
  • Choral Music 30, General Music 30, or Instrumental Music 30
  • Dance 35
  • Drama 30
  • Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2
  • Mathematics 31
  • Physics 30
  • Science 30
  • Social Studies 30-1
  • Five credits in Advanced-level CTS Computer Science (CSE)
  • One or more distinct languages at the 30 level
One additional
  • That has not already been used
  • May be from the list above
  • Must be at the 30 level
  • Must be worth at least five credits (multiple courses worth a total of five or more credits can be used)
  • Cannot be a Special Project


First year cost estimator

For French

Let us help you understand your tuition and fees for your first year at the University of Lethbridge.

Victoria Sowinski

At first, I was super worried to go to Lyon. I didn’t know anything about it and the idea of being all alone in a huge city was intimidating. But now, after just over a month, I love this place and I seriously don’t want to leave! The University is beautiful and I never tire of exploring here.
- Victoria (BASc '16) French and Psychology

Sample classes

Course selections for the program will vary, but may include:

  • Culture and Civilization I
  • French Immersion
  • Introduction to Modern Literature and Literary Analysis
  • Communication écrite et orale
  • Advanced Language I
  • Survey of French or French-Canadian Literature (Series)
  • Literary Genres (Series)