Mary-Anne McTrowe
Art Technician
McTrowe's creative activities have included such diverse areas as sculpture, photography, performance, mail art, video, and painting and drawing. Her practice is presently focused on the question of how things that are familiar to us can be made unfamiliar, and how a change in context can render something temporarily strange and perhaps even unrecognizable. Recent bodies of work include conceptual crochet, the crocheting of cozies for everyday objects and the proposing of ever-larger cozies for natural and man-made architecture, and performance and static work about the sasquatch.
McTrowe was a member of the now retired art-ernative folk-rock band The Cedar Tavern Singers AKA Les Phonoréalistes with Daniel Wong, and was a founding member of Trapdoor Artist Run Centre in Lethbridge. Her solo work, as well as her collaborative work with The Cedar Tavern Singers, has been shown in Canada and the United States.
How can things that are familiar to us be made unfamiliar? How can a change in context render something temporarily strange and perhaps even unrecognizable?
McTrowe’s areas of research and production include crochet as a carrier of information; conceptual textiles; Sasquatch; ukulele; the vegetable lamb; globsters; written and spoken text.