Location: PE240
The U of L is one of only a few post-secondary institutions in Canada equipped with a Vicon Motion Capture system. Students interested in character animation and modelling have an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the motion capture system and data clean-up. Some students may have an opportunity to work on research projects or special projects with faculty members. The system is not available for independent student projects.
More Info
Students may speak with their instructor for classes using the Vicon Motion Capture Studio.
The system is not available for independent projects.
Who can use the space
Students enrolled in classes that use the Vicon Motion Capture Studio.
Technical Specifications
- Vicon MX Series Motion Capture System with 10 cameras.
- A capture area approximately 20’x20’ and 10’ high.
- One capture PC with additional workstations for data cleanup and exporting.
- A collection of props and accessories for motion tracking