Location: Dr. Foster James Penny Building, 324 - 5th Street South, Lethbridge, AB
Exhibitions, public performance and/or interactions with the public are an integral part of the fine arts, and to that end, the Penny Gallery (Dr. Foster James Penny Building) provides a venue for these activities as well as serves as laboratory space for student, faculty research and creative activity within all fine arts disciplines. This multi-use space serves users within the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Lethbridge, and the community.
Who can use the space
- Graduate candidates under the direction of their thesis supervisor
- Undergraduate students registered for classes using the Penny Gallery for class work
- Faculty of Fine Arts faculty and staff
- University of Lethbridge departmental units
- Community rentals
Technical Specifications
- Access upon request to portable University Theatre resources (LED lighting, sound system, projectors)
- Staging and risers Winger fixed leg - 4x8”, 6x16”, 12x24”
- Grand piano
- 360-degree surround projection room
- New Media exhibition equipment including PCs, monitors, headphones, and projectors
- Room dividers