Location: B516, B519, and B520
B5 Computer Labs
Located in B516, B519 and B520. Labs are intended for processor-intensive or specialized tasks relating to New Media, these facilities contain specialized hardware and software not available in other labs on campus. When classes are not in session these facilities are open for student use. Those who are using the lab for word processing and other simple computing needs should, however, use other labs.
More Info
RFID Access - checkouts@uleth.ca
Technical support: dustin.fraser@uleth.ca
Who can use the space
24 hour access - Any New Media students with RFID access.
Technical Specifications
B519, and B520 computer labs:
- Two high resolution, color calibrated monitors
- Xeon multi-core processors
- High speed and high capacity RAM
- SSDs and high capacity storage drives
- NVIDIA Quadro GPUs
- 4 Cintiq Interactive Pen Displays and a large format scanner for animation
- 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7
- 16 GB DDR3 Ram
- M-Audio Oxygen Pro 61 Key Controller
- Focusrite and Scarlett Solo Audio Interface
Each workstation provides access to a wide variety of professional and open source software, including:
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Autodesk 3DS Max, Maya, AutoCAD, Mudbox
- Arduino IDE
- Audacity
- Brackets
- Blender
- Celtx
- DaVinci Resolve
- Git
- Microsoft Office Professional
- PhoneGap
- Processing
- Python
- Unity3D Professional
- Unreal Engine
- Vicon Blade (On marked workstations only)
- Visual Studio Professional